
Parents inheriting

Q: My wife passed away leaving behind a son and me. I know I get 1/4 of her inheritance. Does my wifes parents each get 1/6 each before remaining goes to my son - as per Surah al Nisa. The parents were not dependant on my wife but do they still get their share of 1/6. Or does the 1/6 rule only apply to parents if their son dies. So in my case, my wife' s parents get nothing. Section 2, verse 11 refers to " his" parents.


Q: I want to know shares in iheritence according to sharia. My father had 2 wives, frst wife A had 3 sons and 1 daughter and the frst wife had passed away 60 years ago. Then my father married to my mother from whom he has 3 sons and 2 daughter. One son of wife A recently passed away a year ago who was not married at the time of death. Now please tell me whether the deceased's frst wife of my father will get her share or not in property. My father and my mother both are alive Alhamdulillah. Also tell me if my deceased step brother, who was not married, will get a share or not. Inheritence is of my grandfather who passed aaway a long time ago.


Q: My husband has assets. He has two blood sons and one blood daughter. He now also has a stepson. Is the stepson entitled to any of his wealth after he dies unless otherwise stated in a will.

Claiming from an investment after a partner passes away

Q: Person A lent person B money years ago as an investment into person B's business. No amount or percentage over and above the capital amount was fixed. Person b has now passed away leaving 8 heirs, some of whom are minors. The estate has not been wound up as yet due to other reasons. What will be the correct Islamic ruling with regards to paying back the additional money. Do we use a fixed percantage per year or use market related percentages to calculate the amount? Will it be permissible to pay back the money as person A expects her capital amount as well as a return on investment even though no amount was agreed upon.


Q: My parents died with 3 properties on their name, out of 3, one was claimed by my brother that it belongs to him, well he also passed away recently and his wife sold that property, now how shall we distribute these properties among ourselves. The deceased brother has a widow, 3 daughters and 1 son. We are 3 brothers alive and 1 sister alive.


Q: If a man passes away leaving behind his wife as his only inheritor, how would the inheritance be distributed? Would it make a difference if he also had a maternal aunt (mother's sister)?