
Bequest for a property to be given to someone after one's death

Q: "A" nominated the name of "BC" in immovable property during his life time at the society records, stating that after his death "BC" will be the owner of the immovable property, in the presence of his other legal heirs/family members and the other legal heirs knows the same, thereafter "A" died, whether the nominees "BC" will be the sole co-owners of the said immovable property or other legal heirs of the deceased will have right over the said property, as per Islam, Please answer.

Depriving heirs of their share of the inheritance

Q: Parents have two sons and two daughters. After their marriage they distribute their property and asked them to invest. After some time one daughter died and after her death, her father also died. Now the brother and mother are telling the children of the dead daughter that we will not give you the share of the property in which they invested and is registered in the court of law. Please guide us.

Possessions of the deceased

Q: A marhoom has left behind a 50 kg powder milk. Her niyyat was to sell it and cover up her outstanding debts. The debts are not fully paid off. Therefore does it fall part of her possessions which needs to be distributed amongst the heirs which involve non baaligh children? Or what should be done with it?

Estate distribution

Q: My father passed away leaving behing 50lac pakistani rupees. Can you please guide how it will be distributed among the heirs as per their share.

1 widow

3 sons

2 daughters

How we distributed this wealth was:

1 widow = 625,000

Each daughter = 546,875

Each son = 1,093,750

Kindly guide how we distributed is correct or not?


Q: My father passed away some years ago. At the time of his passing the house belonged to him. At that time two of my siblings were unmarried and living with my parents. A family member advised to sell the house and distribute the proceeds according to shariah. We did not do this at the time due to my mother and two siblings still living in the house. So to avoid any complications we all agreed to give my mother the house and put it on her name. Was this the correct procedure?

My siblings living in the house looked after and maintained the house up to now. Now my one sibling got married and has moved out and the other is about to be married. He would like to now sell the house and purchase another house in another area. This new house will be on my mothers name but my sibling who is getting married will live with my mother there. Is this the correct procedure or should my fathers house be sold and each person be given their share of the inheritance?


Q: My late dads estate needs to be divided Islamically. The following are the heirs:

Dadda (his father)

Mom (his wife)

7 daughters and

1 son (the children)

Please advise me how the shares must be divided Islamically.