Masaail pertaining to the Wali and Compatibility between spouses

Uncle representing the girl

Q: I would like to know is it possible for a girl to take her uncle or any other guy relative as her wali while her father is alive? People in my place where I live tell their daughters when the mufti ask you who is your wali then tell him your uncle, etc. So during nikah the girl takes someone else as her wali instead of her father. And that also when the father is alive living with the girl and happy with the marriege? Is this kind of nikah valid? In Islam is this permissible or is it just a cultural thing? I am really confused. I heard in proper Islamic nikah, the wali must be the girl's father unless he is dead.

Mother getting the daughter married without the permission of the father

Q: I have  a lot of proposals for my daughter but they are not good. They dont pray and haram income. One good proposal came, he prays and is always attending the masjid and halaal income Masha Allah, but her father refused him because he is not from Yemen, he is from Libya and half Egyptian. Can I marry my daughter by force with out my husband's consent in this situation because he would rather give her to a zany as long as he is from Yemen then a practicing Muslim from a different country. What can I do in this situation.

Girl's father not happy with the boy

Q: One of my distant relatives, we both like each other and want marry. My parents are ready for the relation, however the girls father is not ready to make this relation with us. The girl and I want to marry.

1. Is it right if we do nikaah with shari witnesses without her parent's permission (she is underage according to India's rule i.e. girl is 18 or above years old.)

2. Can we do nikaah and live separate from each other until she turns 18 years?

3. Once she is 18 years of age, can we marry through court registrar?

Choosing a life partner

Q: During the passed month of Ramadhaan, I engaged myself in dua few minutes before iftaar time. I asked Allah for indication for a suitable spouse, immediately after terminating the dua, my parents mentioned a girl to me. Should I accept this as an answer? What would be a permissible means to initiate a marriage proposal. It is to be noted that I do not know who this girl is. I have met her father a couple of times before, but just in passing.

Family members not permitting the girl to remarry

Q: I have been married twice before and have three children. I am living back with my parents (mom and brother) since earlier this year, but work and see to the kids for everything excluding rent to stay. I am having a hard time coping financially. I would like to remarry but my brother (my father has passed on some years ago) thinks it is too soon and will not meet the man that has put the proposal forward. My question is do I need consent from my brother and or mother?

Wali for a revert Muslim

Q: I got a question about marriage. I have recently met a girl that has reverted to Islam, and me and her we want to get married, I am a muslim, my parents approve, but her parents are non-muslim and do not approve her getting married. So I was wondering who will be her Wali, as nobody in her family or house hold are Muslims. How do we do it with witnesses when we are doing nikah and she is 18 so its legal.