
Wazifa for muhabbat

Q: I want my husband to forgive me. He always remembers the bad. I used to argue with him about watching songs n looking at other girls. I always try to stop myself but sometimes I still get realy annoyed. Now my husband isnt romanticly attracted to me and I realy miss it and I want him back. I dont want to lose him because we have 2 beautiful kids.

Love spells

Q: I am 15 years old but I was misguided and tried a few love chant spells that didn't work. What can I do to ask for forgiveness and do I need to revert as its shirk. The thing is I am only 15 years old so will it not be as punishable?

Predictions of astrologers

Q: I am 22 yrs old. I am in love with someone. I know this word doesn't have any meaning in our religion but I want to get married to him and my every salah includes this same dua. It is so happening these days that I came across 2 astrologers who predicted that I may not receive the life I wish. I completely do not want to believe in these things as I believe its all in the hands of Allah and its He who can do anything possible but these two incidents have disturbed be totally that I do not know what to do.