Masaail relating to intimacy

Wife refusing to sleep with husband when he is drunk

Q: I am a revert to Islam for the past five years now so my knowledge is limited. I would just like to know if it is haram or anything the like for a wife to not sleep with her husband in the same bed since he stays out of the house over weekends and doesn't come home. I don't know what he does and who he might be with when he does not come home. Am I transgressing by not sleeping with him?

He also drinks alcohol and does not make salah sometimes. He tells me that it is haram for me to refuse to sleep in the same bed with him. I am very confused and very heart broken.

Husband not satisfying his wife

Q: A women is blessed with a great husband in all aspects. But the only problem is that he doesn't satisfy her in bed. Most of the time when he approaches her, he uses her body to arouse and satisfy himself (without even involving her at all). As a result, the wife is left disappointed and frustrated and that makes her think of her husband as selfish.

The couple have a few months old baby and the wife wants a few months break before trying for the next baby. Is this a valid excuse for him not to satisfy his wife? Is it not obligatory for the husband to please the wife everytime he pleases himself? The wife has tried to tell him politely a few times and he admits this but this is happening over and over again. Please advise.