
Marrying a girl after committing zina with her mother

Q: I have committed zina with my fiancé's mother mistakenly. She is my mother’s sister and I repent to Allah and ask forgiveness for my mistake. Nobody knows about this except ﷲ and us . I’m very nervous that if I do nikah with her daughter then the nikah will be valid or not and if I have children with her daughter.

I don’t understand what to do and currently it’s highly impossible to step back for marrying her daughter because if I try to step back there will be a big problem. Please bring out a solution for me. I love my fiancé very much and I can’t leave her. 

Hurmat-e-musaaharah between males

Q: Does hurmat mushaharah become established if a person hugs his father but he has strange feelings in his private part. He was scared during the event and did not get a full erection, however he is not sure about any minor movements that he did not notice. But he thinks that the minor movements (very small movements) were because of nervousness. He did not get any sexual thoughts. He was also a little bit scared during the event.


Q: I have some questions about hurmat musaharah.

1. Is it established between a mother and daughter?

2. Is it established if one has wet dreams about incest or a sexual dream that has mahrams?

3. Is hurmat cancelled if parents remarry and sincere repentance is made? 

4. Lust is a strong sexual desire. If I don't feel a strong desire but I feel some type of lustful feeling that I try my best to control inside my heart at the time of touching, is this hurmat musaharah?

Feeling lust after unintentionally looking at one's sons private part

Q: If a woman unintentionally (accidentally) looks at the private part of her adult son without clothes by mistake and she lowers her gaze, but due to looking at the private part without clothes she feels lust inside and she feels some discharge coming out of her private part. Even though she does not have any lust for her son and she lowered her gaze as well, will it constitute hurmat musaharat?