
Hurmat-e-musaaharah if one did not get an erection

Q: Does hurmat-e-musaaharah become established if a person does not get any movement/erection in his private part, but he is not sure if he gets any arousing feeling in his private part. He was also feeling scared and in his heart he had thoughts like he was feelimg lust however he did not get any erection/movement. He was scared that he will cause hurmat. He did not get any sexual thoughts (which may have triggered lust).


Q: I touched a woman with lust sometime ago and I now wish to marry her daughter. Is it permissible for me to marry her daughter, or is hurmat-e-musaaharah established due to the touching? Can you explain to me, does hurmat-e-musaaharah become established by merely touching a woman with lust or is it necessary for one to have an erection? Further, what is the sign of lust in a male and female?


Q: If I touched my mom with lust and hurmat-e-musaahara occurred, now I repented a lot and promise to Allah that I will never do it again.

1. Is my mom still a mahram for me, and do we still have the relationship of "son and mom" ?

2. Do I still have the relationship of "father and son" with my father?

Marrying one's uncle's daughter after touching her mother with lust

Q: I touched my uncle's wife (mami) with lust when I was 16 or 17 years old. I imagined her while doing a bad thing. I also touched my private part to hers when she was sleeping and kissed her but she didn't noticed. I am very shamefull and regret that.

Now I want to marry my uncle's daughter (mami's daughter). Can I marry her?


Q: I'm a 22 year old female. I remember that when I was 15 to 17 years of age, I was travelling in a car with my family and was sitting between my mother and father. At that time I was thinking about someone else and got sexually aroused. Now, I am horrified and wanted to know if hurmat musaaharah had taken place.

Only the left side of the body near the hips was in contact, but I was wearing 3 to 4 layers of clothes which is the salwar, a long top probably with a lining and a burqah. My father was wearing a shirt and a pant. When I think about that incident now, I think that the body heat was felt inspite of the layers of clothes (which together became a thick barrier) in between. Will hurmat take place?


Q: My father died two years ago. I was suddenly touched by my mother and I felt lust. What is the ruling for this?

I am unmarried now. When I get married:

1. Are my children allowed to marry my own brother's/sister's or step sister's children?

2. Can I marry my mother's brother's daughter?