
Fantasizing of someone while masturbating

Q: Please guide me. I am very distressed. A long time ago about 9 years in 2010 when I was about 23 years old and didn’t know about hurmmat e musaherah. One evening I was masturbating and accidently imagined my uncle's wife (chachi). After two three days they came to our home from village as in our society when I saw them coming from village as a guest I became forward and shook hands with my uncle's wife. As the incident of masturbation occurred a day before, there was a thought in my mind that I masturbated with this (chachi) although I am not sure whether there was a lust or erection or desire or casual hand shake. I didn’t know exactly what happened as it was a long time ago. Now I love my cousin my uncle's daughter very much and want to marry her but there I have a waswasa whether I can marry her or not? I love my cousin. Please guide me, can I make nikaah with her or not?

Hurmat-e-musaaharah becoming established through looking at the private part of a woman


1. What is the private part of a female that by looking at it hurmat can take place?

2. If a woman is wearing full clothes in a picture or in real life and someone unintentionally looks at her chest and lowers his gaze, and her cleavage is slightly shown, like a very small part of her cleavage, just few milimeters. Does this form part of a females body where hurmat can take place? Even if the person has no lust for her?

3. If a person has shaken hands with an old lady and he is 100 percent sure that there was no desire or lust at that time but he is having waswasa. Should he pay attention or disregard this thought?

Will hurmat-e-musaaharah become established through shaking hands with an old woman?

Q: If a person has a stomach issue, when he eats spicy or high calories foods, he gets some white drops coming out from his penis in a normal state without any errection or lust. Now if he shakes hands with an old woman without any lust or erection, will this be hurmat?

Please note that there is no lust or erection for this old lady. The person has a stomach heat problem because of which he gets these drops when he eats spicy food.