

Q: I read about the Islamic ruling that a man should not touch his mother-in-law, and if he does that, his relationship with his wife will forever become haraam. I am very conscious about this.

Today I visited my in-laws with my wife and I was very conscious about it more than before. My mother-in-law wanted to give me a gift for my birthday and I did not accept the gift. She forcefully gave my the gift by lifting my hand and putting it in my hand. I had no sexual desire towards my mother-in-law before she handed it over to me and even when she held my hand to give me the gift, I had no sexual intentions. But, I had a rush of blood in my body when she was continuously insisting and forcing me to accept the gift. When she held my hand to give me the gift, there was a rush of blood, but believe me there was no sexual desire or intentions from my end. I am very much upset now that whether my wife has become haram on me?

Marrying a man who touched one's mother with lust

Q: I got a proposal from a good, religious man. Ten years ago he once touched my mothers hand with a sinful/lustful intention not more than that. And my mom did not get to know about his intentions. He immediately repented and did not do that again. At that time he didn't know that he will be proposing to me.

If I marry this person, will our marriage be valid or not. It happened ten years ago. Also, now everyone knows that I'm getting married to him and it's so hard to leave each other and to convince our families. 


Q: I had a big discussion about hurmat musaharat with a scholor of the Shafi school of thought. There exists absolutely different opinions about this issue. Would you be kind enough to provide us all Quraan aayat and ahaadith with English translations on the basis of which the Hanafi scholars give fatwa for hurmat musaharat.

Secondly, how do we define shahwat and how is it determined for this issue?

Thirdly, why is there a great difference in opinion of both Shafi and Hanafi mazhabs.