
Touching one's mother after masturbating

Q: I have a question with regards to hurmut mussaharah. Unfortunately, I was watching porn/masturbating one evening, where suddenly my mother entered the room. Although I did not expose myself in anyway, I was greeted and touched whilst I was still in an excited state from the haram I did. I remember feeling something inappropriate and trying my best to suppress the feeling, although I have no such feelings at all normally (sorry for going into detail, but I remember I still had an erection before they entered and there was a feeling after the touch which was out of my control). I also remember warmth from the touch. Has hurmut mussaharah taken place? Please advise me what to do.

Doubts regarding Hurmat-e-Musaaharah

Q: If someone touched his mother with lust when he was 10-12 years old and he is not sure about his feelings what will he do now? How could he ask forgiveness from Allah Ta'ala? What is the procedure for his Tauba? Does he have to confess. He is really upset and all time he is thinking about it and is very disturbed and in deep depression. Please guide.

Thoughts regarding hurmat-e-musaaharah

Q: I am getting anxiety and palpitations. I am worrying if my nikah is valid. I was sleeping next to my husband and thoughts are coming if he is halaal for me. If I sleep with him, is my nikah broken, will I be sinning? If hurmate musaahara takes place with my father? I am getting worried and anxiety. Alhumdulillah we are happy together and I love him but these thoughts get me worried and depressed. I do amal but something is telling me that I am living a sinful life with my husband. Please help me.

Father in law touching daughter in law with lust

Q: My question is as follows: One lady had a bad incident which happened some years ago. Her father in law has touched her with bad intentions and kissed her on the forehead. She left from there and did not tell any one. She did not know that some thing wrong happened because they did not have any physical relation (intercourse). After few years some one told her that the marriage broke in Hanafi school. So please let me know what Hanafi fiqh says about ​this? What Shaafee, Maliki, Hanbali fiqh says about this mas'ala? Please reply as soon as possible? If the marriage is not broken in Shaafee school, can she change her hanafi aqeeda and start to follow Shafaee aqeeda?

Doubts about hurmate musaaharah

Q: I was sitting and reading Quraan and thoughts about hurmate musaahara came to my mind. I'm really scared to shake my father hands. I don't have no feeling for him but the thought comes now that is my step mums  and dads nikah valid? I was sitting and reading Quraan and this thought and image came in my mind that I was young, in my teens probably, and my dad was lying down and he had on a lungi.Probably the lungi was open and I was sitting by the leg side and from the bottom, when he widened his legs I could see the testicals. Does my step mums nikah break with dad? I can't even remember exactly but I'm not even sure if i saw the testicals or penis, but obviously I won't have no lust for him.I don't think there was even lust but I'm just getting these thoughts if dads nikah is valid.

Doubts regarding hurmat-e-musaaharah

Q: If one is unsure if they touched lustfully or if it is waswaasas then does humrat take place? They had no desire for the person that they touched but when they shook the person's hands the thought came to mind that they touching lustfully even though they don't like the person and they felt funny. So they not 100% if they touched it lustfully or if its waswaasas.


Q: For humrat one must touch the other lustfully. Lustfully means a strong sexual desire according to the english dictionary. According to islam does it mean the same thing? So if one does not have a strong sexual desire humrat does not take place even though two people touched each other by shaking hands?


Q: I would like to know for hurtmat-e-musaahara to take place for a male he must have an erection, so how does a female know if she committed hurmat-e-musaahara? Also if a person has no desire for there father in-law at all, they just know the rule of hurmat-e-musaahara and due to waswasaa when shaking his hands thinks "I dont want to touch his hands, now I am touching his hand lustfully" and they have a funny feeling. So they don't really know if they actually touched it lustfully or not But they really don't want to touch his hand. They just shaking it because the father in-law gives out his hand to shake. What is the ruling on this? And how can they control this?