

Q: If mother slaps you on the knee and you have jeans on and no heat is felt no lust no desire no erection, does that constitute hurmat-e-musaahara. Been getting waswasa a lot. Please explain. I do not have any kind of lust towards my mother and will never. I am married alhumdulillah for over a month.

Daughter seeing her father having relations

Q: If a daughter looks at her parents having sex through a small hole. She was young and saw her dad's penis erected and looked for a little while and then felt discharge within her while looking. She can't remember exactly if there was lust with in her but she just looked at her mum and dad having relations and saw her dad's penis erected. But can't remember exactly if she had lust or she looked just so. But she said she don't think she would have lust for her dad. Is her parents nikaah valid?



1. A person feels lust for his wife. He has an erection thinking about her and he accidentally touches his mature daughter's bare hand. Since the lust was for his wife, is his nikaah broken?

2. A person touched his mother with lust. He hasn't confessed and fears that if he does, it will destroy his relationship with his parents. What should he do? He sincerely cries and regrets and repents to Allaah.

3. If after a man touches his daughter with lust and his wife becomes haraam for him and they separate from each other but they still want each other, can they be reunited again in Jannah?

4. Is a man still mahram for his mother whom he had touched with lust where hurmat musaharah has occured? Can he accompany her on a long journey? He regrets sincerely and there is absolutely no temptation and fear of it happening again.

Viewing one's father having relations with one's step mother

Q: I was about 17 18 years old and I saw my dad and step mum having sex, well they were not actually having sex my step mum was holding my dad private part penis and it was erected and I can't remember exactly if I have seen the whole things or part but I saw it and can't remember exactly. Now I just looked and moved away. I didn't have no feelings, no lust, no desire for my dad I just peeped through and look through a small hole. I didn't have no desire or lust for my dad. I just look but after I felt little discharge because when you see stuff like that naturally your body release that liquid but I didn't have lust. Even when I see couple kissing or romancing I get that discharge. Actually when I was looking, I was frightened and I felt bad and my heart was beating fast and I was scared. I didn't have any lustful feelings for him. I just looked. I was not married and I am not sure if I was engaged. Is my dad's nikaah valid with my step mum?


Q: I just want to ask a question, does thoughts and images in your mind constitute hurmat-e-musaaharah. E.g when I want to hug my dad as a father or shake my hand I am scared to touch him because I remember hurmat-e-musaaharah and I don't want my nikah or my dad's nikah to be broken, so I get these thoughts of him. But I don't have no lustful feeling for him but I am scared. Second I am scared to have children. If I have a son and I have to kiss him as a mother even after he gets bigger or he holds me, I am worried about hurmat musaaharah. As a parent I would I like to love my kids and my parents. But what do I do with theses thoughts in mind. What is lust for a woman. I love my husband so much of course I don't have any feeling for my dad but I just have these thoughts.


Q: My question is about a very sensitive issue. If a person touched the private parts of his uncle's wife while she was asleep with lust but afterwards he realized it is a great sin. What is the Islamic ruling for him? What should he do for tawba.


Q: What is the private parts of a female in hurmat-e-musaaharah. If someone sees his daughter's back lumbar region not covered with cloth who is sleeping and her genitals are covered and immediately turns his eyes away but has some feeling in his heart but no feeling of erection, does it constitute hurmat-e-musaaharah?