Those women with whom nikaah is permissible

Marrying an adopted girl

Q: My question is regarding marrying a girl that has been adopted at the age of 5 days but the girl doesn't know about her real father. All the documents supporting her parentage is of her adopted father. So please let me know what Shariah says about marrying her?

Marrying a chaste woman after committing zina

Q: I got into a debate with a person who has quoted from the Quraan about the topic on fornication. She stated that according to her understanding of the verses, a fornicator, even if they have repented cannot marry a pure person and if they do then the nikkah will not be valid. I debated that Allah Ta'ala forgives the sincere repenter so how can they be punished if they go on to marry a virgin etc. Please shed some light, was I right in my reply?

Touching one's mother with lust


1. I know that if someone touches his mother with lust, it will break his parents marriage. I want to know if it is permissible for his (the one who touched his mother with lust) children/grandchildren to marry his brother's/sister's children/grandchildren? Are their children/grandchildren allowed to marry each other?

2. Can he (the one who touched his mother with lust) marry his mother's brother's daughter?

3. If the thought comes to mind that a perosn touched his mother with lust during his childhood, but he is in doubt whether he touched or not. What should he do now?

Adulterer marrying a chaste woman

Q: I'm a 26 year old Muslim man. I committed zina multiple times with a Hindu female friend after which I felt guilty and asked Allah for forgiveness. I stayed away from zina after that.

Now my parents are searching for a good and practicising Muslim girl for my marriage but I am not sure whether it is halaal for me to marry a good and chaste Muslim woman, as I have read that a zaani marries a zaaniya or a mushrikah. Please tell me what to do.

Marrying one's student

Q: I am a Muslim and 29 years old. I was an engineering student and during my bachelors education I used to teach Science Subjects to Intermediate co-education classes (11th and 12th Grades) in an Academy to meet my expenses as my father was suffering from financial crises. I used to control myself from developing feelings for the opposite gender and I succeeded nonetheless.

After 4 years of teaching, when I graduated from University, I found a better job and went outstation and I have been currently serving as a Senior Officer for 6 years.

When I got my job, my parents started searching for marriage proposals for me but they could not find a good proposal for 2.5 years. It has been 6 years since I left teaching.

The issue is that 2 years ago, I along with my class fellows had a get together in the University, and after having the meet up, when I was going back home, I saw one of my past female students (She was the sister of my my class fellow and I knew her even before teaching) in the University Library coming in front of me after so many years and her habit of keeping her gaze low and noble character forced me to develop feelings for her and I started to think about her as my wife.

After thorough thinking, I then sent my proposal through my family to her family and her family accepted my proposal whole heartedly because they already knew me.

My Question is that Is it allowed in Islam for me to marry her as she was one of my old students although at the time of teaching I did not have feelings for her in my heart and I am not teaching anymore?