Those women with whom nikaah is permissible

Issuing talaaq to scare one's wife

Q: I got married 2 years ago to my wife who since then has been living at home. A lot of arguments had started between the family’s which then caused a lot of problems between me and my wife. 

2 years later she had applied for a Khula through the shariah council which they sent me a letter. I attended all the appointments in hope of reconciliation.

After the 3rd letter was sent out, she had issued a talaaq without my consent. 

Since then the qadhi (judge) told me she is in iddah and I could take her back and reconcile. The only problem I have was I don’t remember at all if I had said talaaq once in the past or twice with the intention to scare her and make her come to her senses. I need to know if the intention counts?

Also, during her iddah she had emailed the imaam and cancelled the talaaq that we have reconciled and doesn’t want to go through with the divorce. 

The same day the qadhi had emailed her saying talaaq has now been cancelled and we need to hand in our certificates. 

After a few days another argument arises and she tells me now after the 3 months iddah has ended where I was thinking I am still married that she told the imaam not to cancel it and carry on with the iddah

My question is am I still married to her as she cancelled it and then called the imaam to say don’t cancel it even though he said he has during the iddah me and my wife on many occasions had intercourse I am completely confused as in to f I am still married to her or not and so is she now and don’t k ow what to do

Please if I could have as much as information you can give me

Marrying one's first cousin

Q: I'm really worried and need advice on the matter of first cousin marriages.

1. What is the Islamic view on the matter? Should I be worried about the research online which says the chances of having a kid born with some kind of disability increases with first cousin marriages.

2. Could you please give me famous examples, specifically of first cousin marriages in Islam. Did Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) marry his first cousin? Was Ali's (radhiyallahu anhu) marriage with Fatima his first cousin?

Does an adulteress have to marry an adulterer?

Q: I love a Muslim girl and wanted to marry her but she commited zina previously with someone else and she repented for that sin. Her argument is that she will only marry a zani male cause its written in the Quran. She can't find any Ayat and Hadees which mentions that the zaniya who repents can marry any muslim male.  So I want to know if you could please give me any ayat or hadees where it mention that a zaniya that repents can marry any muslim male.

Marrying a divorced woman

Q: I want to marry a divorced girl and she has one daughter also. After marriage her parents will adopt the kid. As per that girl, her family will not disclose anything in front of my family. So, If I am hiding her background from my parents and my family, will this act be bad or good according to shariah as my intention is nikah and reward only.