Those women with whom nikaah is permissible

Taking a second wife

Q: I have been married from 10+ years. I have a daughter of 8 years. It was a marriage arranged from my family. When I saw my wife after marriage, I didn't like her but I kept patience. But since then she does things which I deny or do not allow. Then she joined a job which I said don't do. Her father supported her. Then also I kept patience. She never takes care of me like whenever I say my legs are paining or my I have headache she doesn't care and do not apply oil or do not massage despite my order. But the last thing which is very much troubling me is that she has no or very little sex drive. Approximately 1 out of 3-4 times only she agrees. I never dominate. I have asked her many times to her and her family that I will marry another girl but she is not changing and not even her family is taking this seriously. From last 3-4 years I am thinking to marry another girl. I have enough property and feel that I will able to treat them equally and with justice. 1) Whats your suggestion? 2) Is the anger of my first wife and my daughter's sadness which may come in consequence of marrying another girl, right?

Muslim man marrying a new Muslim

Q: I recently converted to Islam and I am in a relationship with one muslim man. His family is making him married to one of his cousins and he dont have guts to take a stand. Now my family is hindu and they will make me marry a hindu man. I am afraid I will be in haram relation with him and the man whom I love is not willing to take a stand for me for his family. I am left in middle of nowhere. I can't live my life with a person who does shirk and is non believer plus my family don't know I have converted to Islam and they won't understand and force me to marry a hindu man. What should I do? Please help me. Please I can't leave Islam.

Marrying the sister of a boy one committed homosexual acts with

Q: Today I am going to share a problem here with you and hope you will clarify it.

Many years ago (about 10 years) when I was nearly 20 years old I had an unlawful relation with a boy. (may Allah the most merciful forgive my sins). Now I am going to marry his sister inshallah. Please help us in this matter. And please elaborate how a girl gets haram over a boy if the boy had an unlawful relation with brother of girl.