
Tying one's tubes after pregnancy

Q: I have psoriatic arthritis. It gets worse after each pregnancy. After my 2nd child (I have 2), the bones in my feet and knees have become bad so I can only read salaah while sitting on a chair. I can't go on my knees at all as it causes excruciating pain and I can't wake up. In my case, would I be allowed to tie my tubes after a 3rd baby?

Population control and family planning


1. Is there any ruling in Islam regarding population control. Nowadays there is a drum beating of population explosion that the earth cannot sustain more than 10 billion people. Also due to sanction countries like Iran, North Korea, Yemen, etc. that cant provide education and health to all. Please help explain what is the way forward if population control via family planning is not an option?

2. Can the couple decide that we will limit our offspring and is that Islamically correct?

Temporary ligation

Q: I am in a dilema. In a course of 6 years I have had three c sections. I am now pregnant again with my fourth child within a few months of giving birth to my third. Doctors are insisting I get my tubes tied as a c section is a major operation and the risk gets higher every time. Am I allowed to do this due to the reason of this being my fourth c section in such a short span of time?

Regretting permanent ligation

Q: Three years ago after giving birth, my auntie had her operation done to avoid conceiving any more children. This was because she was facing alot of marriage problems and had this done without notifying her husband. The reason being was that she was worried that it might have a reverse affect on her marriage or her husband wouldn't support her decision. Its been 3 years now and her husband is still unaware of this.

Now mmy auntie has alot of remorse and regret for her action. She feels she is deceiving her husband who really wants another child. She is unable to tell her husband about this act as she fears it might ruin her marriage or she will lose her husband's trust. My auntie is facing a dilemma and doesnt know what to do.

She has cried in front of Allah and asked Allah's for forgiveness many times considering this act of hers to be wrong.

Apart from this alhumdulilah she is living a happy married life. Both her and her husband want to have another child preferably a son as they have 2 daughters. My auntie also thinks she will be able to concieve and she has seen many dreams where either her mom (deceased) is giving her a new born baby or she has had one herself. She has also spoken to the doctors to ask her if anything can be reversed however they have said no.

Could you please help my auntie out of this situation. What should she do to remove this guilt from her life? Is there anything that she can pray to have another child despite the operation.?