

Q: I am married and five weeks pregnant. I have a two year old son. I don't want the new baby as I am financially unstable and I am planning to move abroad. The new child will cause us many troubles and we will face many problems there as well as here in Pakistan. Please can you allow me to abort?


Q: Please provide me with the ruling regarding the kaffarah and the compensation to heirs that a woman in the situation below would be eligible for:

A surgical abortion was done at 14 weeks (90 days) without the knowledge of her husband. The woman is now overcome by guilt and wants to repent.

Seeking forgiveness from abortion

Q: A widowee man of 50 year old marries a unmarried woman of 40 years in 2010. After marriage with in 2 months woman gets pregnant. Due to age and other circumstances man request woman to abort the pregnancy. Thereafter 3-4 months tablets were taken to avoid pregnancy. But after that woman did not conceived. They lived together with adjustment with intermittent dispute. Performed Haj in 2013 and Umrah in 2017. Since Sept 2017 both husband and wife are staying separate from each other and heading for divorce. Now as per Islam man had done major sin of Allah by aborting in 2010. Man's questions are:

1. Before divorcing do it is mandatory/compulsory for him to get forgiveness from wife for his requested abortion in 2010?

2. Can wife demand any monetary compensation against his sin of not giving her rights to become mother?

3. Do man will not be forgiven by Allah after death if wife do not forgive for his sin of abortion?


Q: My gynecologist told my husband and I after the birth of our daughter that, if I should fall pregnant again me or the baby will die. My last born was a twin but I lost the one baby. There was complications with me in theatre because they could not control my bleeding and I could not have a baby for the past 7 months. Thats why I am asking if I can have an abortion if I fall pregnant again.


Q: I am a Muslim woman that committed zina and now I am pregnant. My husband does not know. When I had my last child the doctor told me that I cannot fall pregnant again because this time me or the baby will die. I want to know if I can have an abortion. I am 6 weeks pregnant.

Abortion due to illness and depression

Q: I have this quastion and I found nobody to give me an answer. I prayed but still I'm not getting anywhere. I would just like to have your opinion.

I'm a married woman with 6 kids and now I'm 7 weeks pregnant again. I live in uk where I dont have any help to raise the kids not financially alhamdullilah but my weakness. I dont have any more patience left to have another baby as the experience I got from my 6th child. I underwent severe depression and fear that I couldn't even have the baby on my own and had the c section and my previous pregnancy I had an emergency caesserian.

Becouse of taking care of my children I'm suffering from depression, fear and axiety that is severe. I'm being tranfered to a neurologist and I'm waiting for my appointment. This started since 2014. I'm having unexplanable headaches and pressure in my head. Honestly speaking, I cant take care of my last child. She is 2 yearsold. I hardly give her a bath or feed her. The major problem is that I dont feel like doing anything. I'm tired of this because since I started having children, I take care of them alone without any help from anybody as I dont have parents or relatives and my husband is one of those who cant do the kids responsibilities and the country I live in is everything up to me.

This lead to my health problems now that I'm becoming weaker and weak and going into deeper depression everyday. I keep doing hijama every month and seeking help here and there.

Now this pregnacy just took my life and I'm just in bed and dont feel like doing anything. I'm extremely depressed and I cant even take my tablets for depression because of this pregnany.

I cant my handle children because of my headaches which is why I need to see a neurologist as its not getting better. My gp insists that I have a rest or go on holiday. How will I rest while I have so many kids?

My mind is telling me to abort the pregnany and my husband is supporting the same as he knows how I suffer with illness... but we dont know if we are doing the right thing according to my situation. I keep looking for fatwas on websites but nothing is clear. The talk is only haram if you fear for poverty. But we dont suffer poverty alhamdullilah and not even financially. It is my weakness and illness. Please advise me what you think. 


Q: Is abortion permissible if the life of the mother is at stake or if health professionals have noticed that the unborn child has abnormal deformities? What is the shariah ruling on abortion or the conditions that will permit one to have abortion in Islam?


Q: My sister in law's genotype is AS and her fiance's is also AS. If she gets pregnant in the marriage, is it permissible to terminate a three weeks old pregnancy?


Q: I am married and a father of one child. My wife is 4-5 weeks pregnant and we both are not ready for this child because my first child was born one month ago with c section and I currently don't have a job and we are in a lot of problems also. Can we opt for an abortion?