

Q: I have a very complex problem. A 33 year old nmarried lady who has decided to go for artificial insemination. She is 4 months pregnant. She did not discuss her intentions with her family before taking this step. Islamically artificial insemination is not allowed. How should the family approach this situation in the community and also in the family circle?


Q: I have 3 kids(6.3.1). Found out I am 4 weeks pregnant. I live in another country without any family. Husband works 24/7. He is on call all the time, his job is very demanding and doesn't get paid well. We have recently handed in our passports for renewal of our visas and have been told it will be 8+ months before we get an answer and so we cannot travel . We also had to give up our car because we are not allowed to drive until we know our status in the country . So everyday tasks like buying bread and milk, school , doctors have become a nightmare and costly . I am at home with kids and have no access to the outside world . I am isolated . I do all the work with regards to child rearing and running the home . It is extremely demanding physically and mentally. I have no time to take care of myself , pray , eat. I am beginning to resent this life and my husband and the kids . All I do is yell at them and recently have been wanting to physically hit them . When looking for support at the doctors they simply want to prescribe medication to help me cope but I am not keen on it . I have family history on. Other sides of mental health issues and have been working hard to not end up like that . I have asked family for help but the cost of travelling to us and the cost of us having others around is too great . Parents are too old to help . My last child was born early because I was extremely ill during the pregnancy and was very physically active due to all the responsibilities I had to take on. Another factor is if we had to have this child and add them on to our visa we would have to pay +- 25 000 Zar. I simply cannot cope with another child . While typing this I am having an anxiety attack and wish to run away and leave the kids . With my previous 2 pregnancies my husband also was on drugs and became physically and mentally abusove . Is it permissible to have an abortion?


Q: My wife is pregnant with 14 weeks but we dont want to keep this child as we have already one small child of 1 year. Should we go fot abortion? And if we do abortion then what khaffara do we have to give?


Q: I have been married for more than six years now and have two kids of age 4 years and 3 years. Handling 2 kids has become very tedious for us as we don't have anyone to support us (as we live in the city for my job and parents are back in town) and both the kids don't eat well and are quite trouble makers. So we had many sleepless nights and late mornings. Managing them has become so tough that we are losing cool on small things and getting into fight frequently. Yesterday we came to know that my wife is pregnant again and we are in confusion on how to re-act to this. My wife thinks that it is best to avoid it now considering the current situation and plan it later on for the third child. She thinks by using tablets we can do this. I am not sure how to react to this!


Q: My wife missed her period cycle yesterday and when she did the pregnancy test, result is found to be positive. At the moment me and my wife are not planning for a baby. The reason is we have two daughters, elder 4 years while younger is 14 months. The younger is quite small and we are still in the process of adjusting her. Secondly the last two pregnancies of my wife were went very tough and she came to complete bed rest for at least 7 months of the whole pregnancy period. This creates issues in between us and reached to hard talks. And effects our relation and commitment with the kids as well. I travel a lot approximately 280 days a year due to my job requirement within and outside the country. This adds to our problems as well. This also gives us a less time to spend together and give proper attention to kids. Can we discontinue this pregnancy because of the abovementioned reasons. I seek guidance from you.