

Q: My friend got a non-Muslim girl pregnant. They broke up and he is wondering if she is allowed to abort the child? He is in 4th year university and she is in 1st year. Her parents dislike Muslims and he has no job.


Q: I have a 3 months old daughter and on my delivery time I had a blood transfusion. My body is not fully recovered yet and I am pregnant again, so I would like to get the best advise, whether I should keep this baby or should do something about it?


Q: I am having an issue and need advise according to Quran and sunnah. My wife is 21 weeks pregnant. We had a genetic screening test on followed up with a detailed ultrasound in BC women hospital. They find that our baby has severe health issues including hydrops, systic hygroma, fluid in the lungs. Dr said that the baby will not be completing the term and has no amniotic fluid in the womb. Baby heart is abnormal but beating. Baby has many health issues doctors want to terminate the pregnancy. We decided to wait and asking Allah to do the best for us. Today we had OB appointment and she showed a concern that my wife is on a high risk to get the sickness from the baby like fluid in her lungs as well as other health issues. I like to ask that what Islam says in this situation as i am super worried about my wife and don't want her to get the sickness from or dying baby. Are we allowed to terminate the pregnancy? I know that Islam does not allow killing the baby but in our situation is there anyway because baby is really sick and my wife health is on risk though she does not has obvious signs. Doctors says that why we want to wait for her to get sick ? and the take the action. Please advise.


Q: My wife is two weeks pregnant and Alhumdulillah we already have 3 kids. We live in Canada and here the situation is very different. She is only one who takes care of the kids and home and she also does a job. We are very confused because our younger daughter is nine months old and the middle boy is 2 years old and the elder is 4 years old. Now my wife feels that she is not strong and we didn't even think to have another baby yet. Because we already have so much responsibilities and she said she cannot handle it right now. So is it possible that she abort it because the soul is not there now just a fluid is there. We are very scared because we cannot and don't want to make Allah angry with us.


Q: One month I had to terminate my pregnancy at 27 weeks because the baby's brain was not formed properly and he can be fully handicapped both mentally and physically and blind and there is no treatment for these born problems. The doctor suggested us to terminate it. But I regret now. What should I do now, please tell me?


Q: I have 4 children, 3 daughters and 1 son. They all are small kids, elder daughter is 8 years, son is 6 years, another is 4 years the last daughter is 11 months only. Now I became pregnant again around 40 days. My children are all weak health wise. Their bones are weak. My son got 5 times fractures, daughter got 2 times fractures. Doctors said they have genetic problem. May I do abortion for this reason. Will it be a great sin? Please help me out, I don't want to anger Allah Subhanahu Ta'ala.

Abortion due to rape

Q: A girl is raped who then falls pregnant or a girl is deceived through mutah marriage who then falls pregnant. The girls in both scenarios want to abort the baby. In these extreme conditions, is abortion of the baby allowed?


Q: My wife is 20 days pregnant. Can we abort it? Actually we want to abort because we are just recently married. I have some plans to enjoy life with her.


Q: If one is on a very high dosage of medication which would cause total abnormalities to an unborn child, and if that person finds out that they are pregnant, can they abort the child in the early stages? Birth defects and abnormalities are extremely high.