Secret Nikaah

Secret nikaah and publicizing it after a while

Q: I am a 53 year old divorced female. My first cousin is 62 and he is recently divorced. We are both single, and are considering making Nikah. Because our families are very close, we are afraid that if we have a public Nikah, and the marriage subsequently does not work, this will cause immense stress on the entire family. Is it possible for us to do a non-public / secret Nikah for a while and then if all works out, we will then tell the family that we are married.

Secret nikaah

Q: I'm with a person for many years. But now we live in the same place because we are studying in the same state. We meet every day and shake hands or be together that puts us under extreme guilt. From the start we only had an intention to get married SO we have now. We can't tell our parents this time because we live in a high society where you are supposed to get married when you achieve something in life, have a great job and everything. But we are still studying.

Now we are at the same place so we come in touch and we want to make our relationship halaal by doing nikaah so as not to get in any haraam things. Our age is 25. Can you please enlighten us in this matter. How we are supposed to do it? When in future we will do it in front of our parents that time do we have to give divorce first? Can we marry the same person twice?

Secret nikaah

Q: I have a boyfriend and we are in a relationship and he is not socially setteld yet so his parents are not willing for nikkah now but we want a nikkah because without it we are making sins and it is haram. We want to make our relationship halal so till he will not be settled properly we want nikkah to avoid a great sins. Can we do a secret nikkah ??

Fulfilling the rights of one's wife after a secret nikaah

Q: A grown-up man has the financial ability to maintain his wife and family and he is eager to marry. But his parents want him to marry later after being more established. Then the man married a grown-up lady without informing his parents. the man earns enough money to maintain his wife. But now he and his wife are living separately because of his parents. His wife is very sad for this condition. In this situation what should the man do? Should he continue living like that apart from his wife? If he wants to live with his wife maybe he will have to leave the house of his parents and live separate from them.

Waleemah and secret nikaahs


1. I have been in a secret nikaah for 10 years. As such, we didnt do walima. My immediate family now know about my nikaah. Is it possible to do a walima so long after a nikaah?

2. Also, according to my husband he says that because I'm a secret wife, I have no right to inheritence according to Islam. Kindly confirm/clarify.

3. I must point out that 5 years ago, his first wife learnt about us. She was devastated but wanted to meet me. She has accepted his nikaah to me but insisted that the nikaah must still be kept a secret and set specific rules for us. our nikaah still a secret one and is it justifying for her to set such rules and ask that the nikaah still be kept a secret?

Concealing one's marriage

Q: If a woman gets divorced, keeps it a secret, and then gets married again secretly. Her second marriage is done without her guardian but in the presence of two witnesses and it is not announced.

After some time, she reveals this secret only to her children. They keeps this secret for almost 8-9 years because the children are afraid and their parents constantly tell them to hide it. After those years of stress and frustration, their children reveal all this.

I have heard somewhere that hiding your marriage is actually commiting zina. I want to know if the couple is subjected to the hadd punishment and this includes her children too as they were hiding too all this time although they did not want to?

Secret marriage

Q: I would like to know if I could talk to a non mahram for the purpose of a secret marriage as my first wife will not agree to my 2nd marriage and is asking for a divorce if I marry a 2nd wife so hence i am considering a 2nd marriage.

Secret nikaah

Q: I recently married my cousin on request of my parents and so that our families stay connected and to obey my mother. But before that I sent a rishta/proposal to a girl that I liked but her family didn’t agreed.

Now after my marriage, that girl is asking me to marry her but I fear my that family and wife won’t agree to it. What should I do? What is the Islamic way to proceed in this matter? If I marry her and keep that a secret is it justified?