Secret Nikaah

Secret nikaah

Q: I would like to know my friend is sixteen and he is getting married to a girl who is sixteen. He is going to have his two friends as witnesses and he will give mahr and both the boy and girl will sign a contract. They both are Muslims. I wanted to know if the nikaah will be accepted as there is no guardian from the girls side because her parents says it's to early to get married.

Performing a Secret nikaah and thereafter re-performing the nikaah

Q: My daughter received a wedding proposal. We have accepted, but the problem is the boy can only marry her when he has completed his studies [1 year's time]. The kids want to see one another. Can we have a contractual nikkah now, no hankie pankie, but just spend time in parents presence, then when he can earn a living have another nikkah and they can now live as man and wife Insha Allah. What can you advise mufti. We don't want the kids to do zinnah/fitna and we understand that the boy wants to finish his studies, both sides of the parents can't afford to maintain the new couple now. Please advise.

Secret nikaah

Q: My question is about whether I can have a secret nikaah with a man that loves me dearly but is afraid of Allah just like me. We're aware that we can't stay in a haram relationship so we decided to make nikaah. We cannot do it the normal way because his parents and my wali which is my father are not agreeing because of race and materialism. We are adults and we know that we're wanting the right thing. We don't want to displease our parents but we have to because displeasing Allah is worse. Is it the nikaah valid and what is the process of doing this kind of nikaah? Can we keep this nikaah as a secret for 2/3 years until this man is settled and has a better financial position to please my father in the future?

Performing a Secret nikaah and thereafter reperforming the nikaah

Q: My problem is that one of my friends has done a court marriage and he did not tell their parents. After that they tried to convince their parents for their marriage and then the parents agreed and once again they have done nikaah. So my question is that is it ok for them or is there any obligation for making nikaah twice as bride and groom is same.

Secret nikaah

Q: I am currently engaged to a certain girl. We are completely in love with each other and go out together all the time. To save ourselves from Haraam we want to make nikah asap. However our parents are very adamant that we are still young and the nikah should be made 2 years from now, and they dont mind the Zina that is taking place. My plan is to make a secret nikah now and 2 years later I will have a normal nikah in the musjid. However, I heard a Mufti saying that this way of secret nikah and then open nikah later on is not permissible because it is haraam to make a 2nd nikah with the same lady again, it is playing around with Allah's Deen, is this true?