Secret Nikaah

Performing a secret nikaah

Q: I want to marry a girl of my choice.. My mother and father both agreed upon this.. The girl's parents also agreed upon this.. But their will be a gap of a year as they agreed upon. But due to Islamic reasons and due to sins, we want to perform a secret nikaah to stop sins and to have the mercy of Allah SWT.. When the time comes we will perform nikaah before everyone. Pls guide me..

Secret nikaah

Q: I have married one and half year ago. I would like to have child, but due to some medical reason my wife cannot conceive. Can I go for second marriage without the consent of my wife?

Secret nikaah

Q: I am Muslim and Sunni woman. Divorced for last 7 years. I have done my Nikkah last year in the presence of two male Muslims witnesses, with a man who supports me in every manner. My family was not involved as being a divorced people don't like remarrying of a woman. We kept on meeting but for last some time I am not getting any job and it seems my Rizq is banned on me, I am afraid that am I in a Haram relation. I have stopped seeing my husband but he's angry with me now. Please let me know what to do. Witnesses were there and man is mature and supportive but I am really scared. I perform all my prayers n tilawat tahajud and other ibadat but no rizq from anywhere. Please pray and advice.

Secret nikaahs

Q: Nowadays, majority of husbands have a single wife with the exception of some. In this situation, how can a woman be asked to tolerate her husband's second marriage. Isn't it a responsibility of the husband to inform her prior to the marriage of him entering into another marriage so that she can choose to marry him or not?

Secret nikaahs

Q: A Muslim man leading a happy married life, but out of sympathy want to marry another widow woman, and give her a life, but he is doesnt want his first wife to know immediately about his decision of taking up another wife, but later on after an year he would slowly let know his first wife know about the second marriage, so is this cheating? Will his first wife curse the second wife? Should this widow marry this man? Is she becoming a reason of pain for his first wife?

Secret marriages

Q: I want say that I got married due to my parents forcing me but I want a second nikaah with a girl whom I like but my parents are not allowing me. So I decided that I will do a secret nikaah. I want to know is it wrong or right according to Islamic law?

Secret nikaah

Q: If a boy and girl get married with two witnesses, is it valid by him asking and she agreeing to the marriage? Also what is the ruling on marrying a girl older than you by a few years?