delaying nikaah

Secret nikaah

Q: I am proposed to my long relation cousin. Both of our parents agreed to our marriage. Actually it is their arrangement. Also with their permission we are speaking via phone. But due to my education my parents don’t want me to do nikah right now. My question is, can I discuss only with my future wife (in shaa Allah) about mahram and give that mahram amount secretly and make this relationship to be halal? Or else am I allowed to keep one or two witnesses only and make this relationship halal? I don’t want the blame on my parents because i don’t feel like its their mistake.

Girl not ready to get married

Q: I'm 29 years old and I have a cousin that I'm proposing for and I want to marry her but I can't get married to her because she said that she is the one carriying out most of the household activities and she said that untill I build house first. I want to marry her so what must I do now?

Delaying the nikaah

Q: I am a 26 year old girl. I got a proposal last year and it's already been a year. He and his family are assuring us that once he gets a job and settles, then only will we proceed further. My parents are very worried about me. I dont want to be the reason of my parents sadness. Actually the main problem is that he is from South and I am from North. In South marriage, there willbe a grand show off and all that but currently he is jobless. My parents still agreed and are ready but he is stuck on one thing that he needs a job. We must just wait 8 more months. I just want a halal relationship. One more thing I would like to ask is that we did a register marriage in January 2017, just to avoid wrong deeds but now I am feeling that without Allah's blessing how can we be happy. So I am insisting to get marry according Islamic shariya but he says that he can't do it now and he needs time. Please suggest what to do because I am completely lost. I really dont know what to do. 

Getting married as soon as a suitable match is found

Q: I know a girl for 7 years. In the last 6 months we started developing feelings for each other and dated a few times but nothing physical. We have decided to stop dating so that it does not damage our future together. We plan on getting married in 3 years time. Is it permissable to read istikaarah salaah now even though we plan on getting married later and what is your advice for this period of time?

Father postponing the marriage

Q: My question is if a brother has asked my father to marry me and my father likes him but wants us to get engaged for a period of time before marriage, what should I do. My father is my only wali and I would prefer to marry this man in order to make things halaal instead of possibly falling into haram. However I feel that my father is acting in a cultural way rather than Islamic. Could you please help me Insha Allah.

Delaying nikaah till one becomes financially stable

Q: Should one marry right after settling down financially? If his brother and parents are in financially not well, and wants to support them for the time being can he delay his marriage? and after marriage is the wife his primary responsibility or parents too have the equal right? If a man wants to buy a house should he register it on the name of his wife or mother? Who has more right over this issue?