

Q: My sister's husband gave her divorce by email. He wrote I give you divorce (talaq) 3 time about 8 years ago. Now they want to live together. They have two children. How is this possible according to shari'ah law?


Q: If a woman is divorced three times, I heard she can do halala with a third person and then return to her first husband (after completing the iddah). I know that it is not permissible to make halala a condition in the wedding contract, but it is permissible for her to informally agree with the man (the mohallil) to make halala (by speaking to him), without formally specifying it as a condition in the contract and without announcing it publically? The intention of both parties would be to make halalah so that the lady is able to resume her life with her former husband and reunite her with her family.


Q: Theres a couple that has been divorced about 6 months ago. Husband gave wife 3 talaaqs at once in anger. He also gave her prior to that 2 talaaqs. Moulanas of this town have told her that once 3 is given marriage is over completely. My question is if she gets married to someone else and divorces that person just to get back to the 1st husband is it valid? (To my knowledge I know its not allowed because you have to really be in that marriage and only once that husband really has problems then only can he divorce her). Is this correct? Also is there any  other way besides this of the husband and wife getting back to each other?


Q: I gave three talaqs. In order to get her back do I have to remarry and divorce or both of us? Is their any way to retract three talaqs?


Q: Respected mufti saheb this question is very urgent as the couple are about to engage in this action. Under what conditions is it permissible to engage in Halaala?