Written Talaaq

Written talaaq

Q: Me and my husband spend almost nine days after marriage together but we didn't have any relations. After this he went back abroad and for two years we were in contact. My family asked for a divorce and I didn't want it. He wrote three times on a paper and sent it to my family who forwarded it to me. We both want reconciliation. Iddah period is over. I heard divorce at one time is one divorce. Can we do nikah again?

Written talaaq

Q: My husband has given me talaaq on bond paper three times. Furthermore he has written, upon saying to his parents that I can remarry after completeing iddat. He was not fulfilling my rights. Now he is saying he was doing all this to put me underpressure. I am feeding his child, is this talaaq valid? Although I love my husband very much I dont want to leave him. 

Divorce via text messages

Q: My husband said several times that he wants to divorce me and wants to leave me... He said "you are divorced at this point" I am sending you divorce papers... I am done with you... I don't want to live with you... Am I divorced? He texted me all that. He is in Canada I am in Pakistan.

Writing a talaaq in the presence of the wife

Q: I just would like to know as I was in contact with another woman not physical but via social media. My wife forced me to write down my 3rd and final talaaq to her and made me leave my home. I would like to know if this is valid as I had no intention of leaving her as I loved her. I married her with two kids from her previous marriage and we were a happy family but I let an intruder into my life and messed my marriage up. Do I have a right in this matter?

Issuing talaaq with a valid reason

Q: I want to marry another girl for that I want to give talaq to my current wife. She lives with her parents. I want to know can I give her talaaq by sending a talaaq note in a paper by post? I want to know what to write in talaaq paper? Simple written talaq will be acceptable or not or do I need any witness signatures?

Talaaq via whatsapp

Q: My wife and I have a problem. I was arrested as my tenant was dealing in drugs, when the cops came to my place they found a dagga plant on my property and arrested me as well. This happened while my wife was in durban. While I was kept in a holding cell I made contact with a friend who came to my assistance. She when home and secured my house and came back to the station with my ID and proof of residence. This lady lives in durban and was on her way to the airport when i called her. She had checked out from her accommodation and missed her flight. She then stayed at my house for 1 night while I was locked away. On 4 Jan I was released. My wife returned to JHB on 5 Jan. i was not given a chance to explain what happened. her parents took her away and said we are separated. On 9 Jan my wife said that she is coming home, however they came with cops to take all her belongings away. I was upset and under high amounts of stress as they took both cars and left me stranded. In the days to follow my wife and i where messaging each other via watsapp. She then made statements that i was a fraudster, drug dealer, that i cheated on her which is not true. This enraged me as i could not believe what was happening, so over watsapp i told her that if thats the person i think i am then theres the first Talaaq (i also spelt it talaat) Since then her parents consulted a maulana and now i get news that we are divorced. I never spoke to any maulana and was not even given a chance to explain anything. I love my wife and I have done everything i could for her. I know that she is hurt due to the events that took place on 2 Jan The tenant got arrested again and i got word from the arrested officer that he will not get bail as he got arrested while he was on bail. I had to appear in court yesterday for my charge. My case was dropped as I called the cops on my tenant. What do I do as I dont believe we are divorced. I love my wife and do not want a divorce.

Written divorce

Q: My father signed a written divorce for my second mother. He has given three divorce at one time. It is written like I divorce you, I divorce you, I divorce you. Will it be taken as complete divorce or only one?

Husband texting the wife "I divorce u"

Q: My husband and I went through a rough patch in our marriage where he gave me talaaq. We met through a mutual friend and decided to get married, our families arranged the wedding but then arguments occurred over wedding furniture and the wedding dress between our families which lead to his family trying to break off the wedding the night before. My husband married me anyway and at the beginning of our marriage he was very depressed about his family cutting him out of their lives. I felt like he sometimes took all his anger and frustration out on me, it really affected him mentally. I tried to be really kind and supportive but sometimes the verbal abuse and neglect became too much. I told him to be patient and his family will eventually talk to him again, he was so convinced that they would ignore him forever he was so depressed. Alhamdulillah now his family spoke to him again and everything is normal, it took a while but they got there. I just wanted to know if that talaq was valid. I read on other websites to refer to similar questions and read the answer there. The questions were about talaaq given in extreme anger and the answers were their talaq was not valid. My husband and I were arguing a lot during our rough patch and it got so heated we said awful things to each other. He was not himself at all. At this moment I was staying at my parent's house and he was at our flat. We argued on the phone and it continued on text late into the night. He suddenly texted "i divorce u" while we were sending heated texts. The next morning he said he couldn't remember doing it, sending that text, and said he was extremely angry and texting very fast. I would really like to know if this talaaq was valid. I've researched so much on talaaq during extreme anger and I keep reading that it's invalid and that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said there is no talaq during extreme anger. Please help put my mind at ease.