Three Talaaqs

Three talaaqs

Q: I want to know about triple talaq masla. I am listenening and seeing more and more of this new masala. Why the government is against it? Will it cause any problems for us?

Three talaaqs in anger

Q: I want to ask about divorce. I have heard that you have to give your wife divorce 3 times in 3 months for it to count is that true. My husband gave me divorce in anger after few hours was back with me saying that it doesn't count in anger. He didn't know what he was saying and also that he have to give me 3 times in 3 months for it to count. Also want to ask if divorce count in period and in pregnancy and if husband do give in pregnancy but the next day or after few hours says he was angry, then does it count or not. Also if the wife is pregnant and is a lot angry and tell the husband to divorce her, keep on saying it and the husband get angry and say it even tho he didn't mean to say it, does it count?

Does talaaq take place through separation

Q: A guy and a girl got married. They had an arguments and then girl left the house of guy and stayed at her parents home from June 10th 2016 to Jan 23rd 2017 during this period the guy never pronounce a divorce "Not even single time" The Girl stayed at parents house for more than 6 months and there's a person who said that according to Islam if you stayed away from your husband for more than 6 months without any Sharai reason then you are no longer in Nikkah with that guy. (who said not sure, on what grounds not sure) Need clarification on this as well. The Guy sent Divorce deed on 23rd January 2017 that has clearly mentioned divorce Thrice upon that girl, the guy who sent divorce deed was planning to end the marriage because of girl's parents demand. Now, the concern is. If 6 months were already passed while girl stayed away from here husband. Then she was no longer in Nikkah of that guy and so does divorce occurred? IF YES then how? IF NO then why?

Three talaaqs in one sitting

Q: According to a report, Abdullah bin Abbas (radhiyallahu anhuma), a companion of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said that triple talaq in one sitting was considered as only one talaq during the Prophet’s (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) time, the period of the first caliph Abu Bakr (radhiyallahu anhu) and during the early years of the second caliph Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) (Sahih Muslim, 1482).

Once Rukanah bin Yazid (radhiyallahu anhu), a companion of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), had divorced his wife thrice in one sitting. Regretting what he had done, he approached the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), who asked him how he had divorced his wife. Yazid answered that he had done so by pronouncing the word talaq thrice. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) asked him if he had pronounced it in a single sitting, to which he replied in the affirmative. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) then said that it had the effect of one divorce and that he could take his wife back.

Please explain the above how three talaqs in in sitting was known as one in the prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) time and now its taken as three.