Three Talaaqs

Three talaaqs

Q: I need to discuss my problem and its solution. I'm married for the last one year. Its the second marriage of my husband but my first. We live in different cities due to training purposes. Last Sundy 2nd of july 2017 we had some fight and while arguing i became furious and starting beating him. I get panic attacks and it happening for the last 2 years when i used strong dose anxiolytics..but it was ok since our marriage until for last 2months when i again started having sme attacks.i beat him so much and said to leave me..v left the dinning table and went to bed room where i cintinued beting him and forcing him to leave me right wasnt my intention and i wasnt even expecting that he would say anything..but finally he uttered the words"ok ok i give u divorce". Which in original words were"thek h theek h me day daita hun talaaq ,day daita hun talaaq ,day daita hun talaaq". It was all of sudden when v realised wht happened.i left the home at the same moment and no cntct since then..v had sexual realtion on that early morning sunday the sMe day when he said those i asked him yesterday wether he was in his senses and what was thinking t that time.he said i was not in anger and when u were forcing i was thinking to use some word that vill satisfy u at that moment and u calm down.but finally i utered these words without thinking anything. Now sir please help me..i dnt want to be seperated i want to live with him.some sayes that divorce at the time of impurity is not valid .and some says that three at once is the single one ..and even some says that ur intention matters at that moment.please help me in this situation really worried

Living together after three talaaqs

Q: One of my neighbours has given divorce to his wife by saying talaaq three times in three different places. The wife is living with him. In any case, she has three kids and her husband has given her property also. Her mother in law n brother in law are on his side. So what was the punishment by Allah for them and what can the husband do?

Three written talaaqs

Q: I want to query about talaaq. Please tell me that a written talaq is declared if written 3 times on paper at once? I mean is it considered as 1 or 3 if written at same time but written talaq talaq talaq at once? Please elaborate.

Talaaqs in the state of intoxication

Q: I gave talaaq to my wife. I was drunk. Is it valid? After reading triple talaq" or pronouncing divorce three times in one sitting, is invalid Islamically and should be considered as one divorce only. Therefore this would be counted as one declaration of divorce by your husband. So you are still married. I am a bit worried because I cant remember anything. Please do let me know its urgent.

Three talaaqs

Q: If husband and wife after nikaah and before rukhsati go out for just a drive and don't have some sexual relation, in that case the husband give three talaqs to his wife? So now can he get her as his wife again without halaala? And also if the husband has this thinking in mind that tajdeed-e-nikah will be obviously done before rukhsati that's why he didn't have that fear of talaaq and also he had wanted to pressurizee the wife, he just didn't mean that?

Remining in contact after three talaaqs

Q: I gave my wife 3 talaaqs 9 years ago. We have two daughters who were 2 and 4 years at the time. First talaaq was given while my in laws were living with us. We got into a very bad argument (screaming and shouting) and I wanted to leave the house but my father in law insisted that I give her talaaq. Unfortunately I did not know much about rules of talaaq back then.We were apart for 6-7 months but reconciled and made nikkah again. At this time my then wife was looking after and supporting her parents as they were out of work, which put a lot of strain on our relationship. We had another disagreement a few months later and I consequently issued her with another talaaq and while issuing her with the second one she insisted that I give her a third talaaq. My wife was a very stubborn woman and while I am not short tempered if I do get angry I "snap". At this stage I became so enraged that I issued her with the third and final talaaq. The third talaaq was issued out of pure rage and this is something that I regret to this day. As stated before it is now 9 years later and neither myself or she has been with anyone else. For the past 9 years it seems as if we have have grown closer to one another (without her parents involvement as they have moved to Cape Town). I would like to know if there is any chance that we can reconcile and get married again? A few days ago she confessed that she still loves me and I in turn also confessed that I still love her. At the time I did not know the implications or conditions of talaaq and have asked Allah for forgiveness as I realize what I did was wrong.


Q: As per law of Shariah, divorce happened between me and my husband as he said talaaq thrice. Now he wants me back. What is the proper way of halaala?

Husband jokingly giving the wife three talaaqs

Q: If a man says to his wife "I divorce you" three times as a joke and has no intention to divorce her and is unaware that simply uttering the words could lead to divorce. Is that counted as talaaq or is the nikkah valid. Also note that this occurred while the wife was in a state of purity, before menses, during which intercourse had taken place. Is this nikkah still valid? Is the talaaq valid? If yes is it counted as one or 3? This occurred between a couple that are very much involved and would be devastated by talaaq. And please advise what should be done after this.

Three talaaqs in anger

Q: My husband in an extreme anger pronounced three words talaq, talaq, talaq on the phone. When he cooled down he returned home he behaved normal and didn't even know what words he uttered. He was reminded by people who was surrounded by him at that time. But he didn't know. He said I don't know what I said and what I did. My question is that in that case if a man becomes insane and he doesn't know what is he doing, is divorce valid or not?