Those situations where Talaaq does not take place

Creating a fake social media account and posting that one is divorced

Q: A person created a fake Facebook account and to pass time and for fun he posted an ad for marriage where he showed that he is divorced and he talked to many people where he mentioned that he was a divorced but in fact he was not.

In this case, is he divorced? He did not show his real name and identity not his wife's identity.

Husband not fulfilling conjugal rights of the wife

Q: My husband is an amazing provider financially but he has had sexual intercourse only a handful of times with me since we have been married. Most of the time after I begged him. He has cheated on me with sex workers many times. We would often have gaps of 2-3 months but this time we have not even touched one another in 5 months. Then i found out about “ila” divorce. He says he loves me but does not feel sexually attracted to me. Am I divorced? Is this marriage over? He says he has not been with any woman in these past 5 months too but who can believe a liar? We have no children and have been married for 2 years.

Husband saying "he does not want to continue the relationship"

Q: I got married in 1995. In 1998, my husband said on the phone "If you don't come by tonight's flight we will not be able to stay together, but as flights were not available I could only reach the next day. My husband did not intend to divorce me.

1. Is it counted as one divorce?

In 2002 we had to sign a court paper in America of divorce due to some official issues but we asked a clergy if this will be counted as divorce and he said no. After making sure that it does not affect our relationship we signed the papers, and stayed afterwards together as husband and wife.

2. Is it counted as talak?

In 2003, after a fight with my husband, he sent me mail saying that he does not want to continue the relationship but he did not use the term talak, but he intended to give talak. We are staying seperately after that but we spoke to each other atleast once or twice in a year as some mufti told me that I am not divorce and to keep the relationship I should be talking to him. After that I consulted many muftis to know if our relationship existed but some said that it existed while others said that it did not.

Please confirm as we want to stay together now after a lot of hardships for many years. We are trying to stay together but because of this being not clear we are not able to continue our relationship. 

Telling one's wife "I will divorce you"

Q: My spouse and I had a severe argument and in anger and anguish without realizing I said to her I will divorce you. When I came back to my senses I realized what mistake I made since it wasn't my intention but she abused my mother and I completely lost it.

Last year we had few fights and I had said this twice but she has always stopped me but I am not sure if divorce is done or not. If it has, is there a way out of this since I wasn't in my senses.

Will divorce take place if one tells someone that he will divorce his wife?

Q: Please advise if talaaq takes place in the following incidents:

1. Telling my wife that we will get divorced.

2. Telling my brother in law and wife that I have decided (meaning that I have decided that I want to and will divorce my wife).

3. Telling my father in law that my wife and I both decided that it is best for us to get divorced.

4. Telling my mother that there's no other option (meaning that there's no other option for my wife and I other than getting divorced)

Wife telling husband before marriage that if he goes to any country they will be divorced

Q: If a girl tells her fiance before marriage that whenever you go to any country, our relation will finish or divorce will be happen and the boy reply "ok". He did not say any other words. He said in his mind that he had no intention for this, he just said ok so they don't fight more. After marriage, if he goes to any country, will the divorce apply or not?