Those situations where Talaaq does not take place

Telling one's wife, "get out, get lost" etc.


1. Sometimes my wife comes to me and asks me about doing something. I reply to her "jo dil chahe karo", Is say it sometimes to show my anger, and sometimes just to tell her that she can do it or not. I never used the word "free" or "azad" or "farigh" and never intended divorce. Additionally, we both originate from same city and same neighborhoods, and we both don't understand "jo dil chahe karo" is not considered exclusive term for divorce.

2. During a fight I used the words such as dafa hojao "get lost", "buy ticket and leave", "get out" etc. and never once intended divorce.

Telling one's wife "mujhe tumhare sath nahi rehna"


1. During an argument/fight, my wife said to me “mujhe tumhare sath nahi rehna” and I replied to her “mujhe bhi tumhare sath nahi rehna” so will it be a talaaq?

2. Is the word “mujhe tumhare sath nahi rehna” a word of talaaq?

3. Is saying to one’s wife “mujhe tumhare sath rishta nahi rakhna” will lead to talaaq. Is this sentence a word of talaaq?

Will talaaq take place if husband says "That's it"?

Q: I have this issue which happened last year, but it has been playing in my head ever since.

Whilst my wife was fighting with me and moaning about my mum and sisters, she was upstairs saying this and I was on the sofa downstairs. She kept going on about them and in my head thoughts came up to say ‘that’s it I can’t take this anymore I want a divorce’. This was in my thoughts and was not spoken out loud at this point. Then straight after this thought she stopped for a few seconds and then started saying stuff again and I then immediately got up and said ‘that’s it’ so quick without thinking but I don’t know if my intention was divorce or to say I am fed up with you moaning.

After a little 5 second break of me saying ‘that’s it’ I said I’m going to speak to my mum and dad, and they can speak to your mum and dad’ I may have been referring to divorce or about her moaning I really can’t remember.

Since then my head has been playing this scenario back to back trying to find out what my real intention was when I said the words above, I really can’t remember now as it happened last year.

I would say 90-95 percent may have been with intention of divorce but there is a doubt of 5 to 10 percent that I did not and was just fed up of her moaning all the time as it happened so quick. I also get waswasa where the words divorce are most of the time just in my head even when I try to ignore them and I could be having a normal conversation with my wife and the words would just been in my head whilst speaking during a normal conversation as well as fighting.

Please can you confirm the status of my marriage and if I am needed to do my nikah again and if I do. Do I give dowry again and how many witnesses do I need?

Husband using the word "divorced"

Q: A few days back I was sitting with my kids and husband. He said to me that it's your mistake that you didn't give the kid anything to eat. I replied, "as you have already diagnosed it to be a mistake then i'll not explain". He said,"diagnosed, divorced." I said what did you say. He repeated again divorced. I asked what do you mean. He said you said diagnosed. I said divorced, anthing else. According to him he just spoke a metaphor similar to the word diagnosed. He didn't mean to divorce me. Kindly guide me whats the status of my marital status now?

Saying "nikaah khalas" intending that one is married

Q: I am in Saudi Arabia and don’t know Arabic. One day I was talking to a person who didn’t understand much English. He asked me whether I am married or not. I said to him "Yes, I am married" but as he was weak in English so I tend to speak Arabic and I said “nikah khalas”. I found out khalas has many meanings in Arabic such as done/finish/over/complete. But my intention was to say nikah is done/hogaya so will “nikah khalas”  be a word of talaaq or not?

Unmarried boy saying that he divorced his wife

Q: If any unmarried boy said that he divorced his wife (3 times). He meant that, if at that present time he had married a specific girl (one of his cousin's sister in law) then only that girl is divorced. He thought, he mistakenly married that girl (one of his cousin's sister in law).

Actually, he understood later that, that was not a marriage. It was his over thinking. That boy never thought of divorcing any other girl or his future wife while utturing those words. That boy did not even know, that there is a possibility of divorce before marriage.

Now, after around 12 years that boy/man wants to marry another girl. Is there any issue? Will those words be effective? 

Talking to one's wife about divorce

Q: Please advise if any of these situations constitute a talaq.

1. Telling my wife that we should get divorced. 

2. Telling her all the reasons why I want to get divorced in a state of anger, not intending to give a talaq at that point but planning to do so at a later stage

3. Saying "I've already decided" after being told by my wife to decide what I want to do before discussing it with her parents. This was in reference to the terms which I wanted to stipulate in writing before giving a talaq, particularly with regard to my visitation rights with the children. However, we did not go ahead with this and I did not give a talaq.

4. Saying "I'm sick and tired of your s***" in a state of anger (again as a reason as to why I want to divorce her).

Please note that I always suffer from doubts regarding my intentions after an argument with my wife even though I am very cautious of making sure that I don't issue a talaq at the point when any of those words are spoken. I am a bit confused but I'm not sure if I'm claiming that I'm confused just to try and save my marriage and this creates more doubt because I feel that maybe I'm being hypocritical.

Threatening one's wife with divorce without intending divorce

Q: I told my wife "If you ever work in that place again, I guarantee you it will break our relationship"

The intention when saying those words was in order to threaten her so she doesn't work there, but I'm not sure if I had the intention of actually divorcing her immediately if she started working there. It was in the context of that if she works there, it will affect our relationships trust. Thus it may lead to a break up, so she should be careful.