Those situations where Talaaq does not take place

Wife issuing talaaq

Q: I've a question about my cousin (female). She was married forcefully by her parents. They forced her emotionally and with other lies and she was married. She was never happy with her marriage and she never let her husband make any relation with her. She never even let him touch her and asked for Khulaa (Divorce). When her husband forcefully tried to have some physical relation with her she said the following words: "I declare you haraam on me in the presence of Allah (with Allah as my witness). Now any relation among us will be invalid or haraam".

Now I want to ask:

1. If their marriage ends with her saying this?

2. Does she still needs a divorce? and there is no effect on their marriage?

Waswasa regarding talaaq

Q: I have 3 points in my questions.

1. What is the rulling in shariah about the person who is suffering with waswasa problem might utterd the word divorce unintentionally and unintentionally.

2. If someone uttered the divorce word without any intention he just uttered due to some doubt about divorce and waswasa than is it count when he was reading regarding and thinking about this.

3. I had lot of doubt about divorce statments due to waswasa problem I might had utterd divorce word or something like this in past but I am not 100% sure I had just doubt because I have been suffering with waswasa problem since long time due to this problem many times I had repeated my all prayers and also wudhu and ghusl. Due to waswasa problem sometimes I uttered many words when I am alone so feel fear and worry what to do and how to get rid out of this situation.

Waswasa about talaaq

Q: I am suffering waswas and doubt problem since last 7 to 8 years 24/7. I think too much might I have suffer from OCD.

Firstly if someone just uttered merely talaq word due to waswasa or record talaq word on mobile than such talaq count? However there is no intention for talaq.

Secondly if someone has merely doubt about talaq then what can he do? I had lots of waswas regarding this waswasa because shaytan always puts doubts in my mind that you have uttered talaq words in past or recent times however I do not remember what exact words or sentence I had uttered. To be honest I really deepress with such a thoughts I had repeat my wudhu, Ghusl and Salah many times because I had always feel I had missed something. How can I overcome from this sitautions? What is the rulling about talaq for such a person my nikah will be intact? I had a doubt on my nikah due to talaq doubt. I have two doubt:

1. Whether I had utter the word or not.

2. If I had utter then which word. Due to waswasa problem might I have utterd something like this or not I am not sure.

Wife asking the husband for divorce and husband responding with "Ok, fine"

Q: If a woman says to her husband that "okay if you don't want to live with me than divorce me, the husband replied, "Ok, fine" ... does it imply talaq? If yes, than considering the ignorance of the husband that he doesn't know that saying this establishes talaq, still will it be considered as talaq?

Second question, if a husband says to his wife that I don't consider you as my wife. What does it mean? Is this also considered as talaq?

Doubts regarding talaaq

Q: I was with my uncle and he said "To hemesha wife ka sath hotien hai humara sath bi waqat guzaru" then I came back to my wife's room and said to her because she was upset with me that I am going somewhere with a friend and then I said to my wife that my uncle says, "kabi biwi ko bi chor diya karo jab dehko wife ka sath" then when I was saying it I was getting feeling about divorce. Are these words of niyyat or not? Then I start getting thought and then I said something I don't remember but now I am afraid maybe something utter metophor word during this. But I don't remember after that, should I pay attention to these because I use to get thoughts of divorce doubt of niyyat and checking whether I utter or not that kind of every day.

Doubts regarding talaaq

Q: I was filling some form and suddenly the form came in Arabic and then it was written to click button what is your status like, Single, Married, Divorced And other, it was in Arabict so I understand divorce word in Arabic. I didn't click. Then other I was not understanding so to continue the form I click others I don't whether it's married single or other meaning so after I thoughts maybe you click it by single and you are married so your nikkah is finish these kind of thoughts coming.

I even don't know which status I click it but I do know it was not divorced click. Should I pay attention to these things?

Utterances of kufr by a bipolar person

Q: Are the utterances of irtidad by an bipolar manic person considered? Will fasakh when in the state of mania take place of he's nikah? What happens when the Mania is induced to not being diagnosed in time, and no utterence of talaaq was mentioned, and yet the wife was removed from the marital home without the husband's permission, only for the husband to be told (not in writing) that his nikkah is over? Does the nikkah stand? What are the husband's rights?

Doubt regarding talaaq

Q: In drama serial a husband gives divorce to his wife. At that time my husband ask me, han fiza knsi hotel krwani hai then I have waswasa that can our divorce take place? And then I tell the situation to my husband and he said that it is tv drama not real and then he give me a example that, agar do bande jhoot bol rahe hn aur hum ameen bol de tau kia hum b jhootey ho jaengye, because of this example our divorce took place or not?

Wife issuing talaaq

Q: One day due to certain arguments wife has give me khula and triple talaaq orally and to her family members she is refusing that I didn't say. At the time of khula and talaaq, my mother was the witness. Please suggest khula and talaaq given by wife, does the khula and talaaq take place. She is staying with her parents now and taken all her clothes also from the house.