Equality between wives

Equality between wives

Q: A husband who has two wife's, he is fair with both of them in everything except that he doesn't have sex with the first wife because of which the first wife is not happy. Is it permissible for the husband not to have sex with the first wife?

Equality between wives


  1. In Islam, is it compulsory upon a person to exercise equality between his wives?
  2. In which aspects does the husband have to exercise equality amongst his wives?
  3. If a person has two wives, one young and one old, is equality waajib between both?
  4. Can you explain the method of equal distribution of time between wives and does equality of time extend to the day as well or is it restricted to the night?
  5. How will the husband divide his time equally amongst his wives if he works during the night and is free during the day?
  6. Is there equality in sexual relations i.e. the number of times the husband had relations with one wife, is it compulsory upon him to have relations with the other wife the same number of times?
  7. Does the husband still have to maintain equality in the night turns when he is ill?
  8. Is there any sin if one perceives more love within his heart for one wife, though he shows equal attention and maintains equality between his wives?
  9. Is equality waajib during a journey?

Co-wife claiming compensation for her past

Q: My husband (hanafi) has a second wife (shafi) that was not staying in the same town as we do, now she moved to the same town and demand that he lives with her for the full period that she was not living in this town. Is it permissible or what does the shariah state about that. Please assist as soon as possible. I am (hanafi) not sure about the rulings regarding this even though I am the first wife and did agree to him marrying a second wife and the fact that I am a revert.

Which wife should one take for Hajj first?

Q: A man decided to go for haj with his wife but was not accredited to that year. They both got accreditation the following year, however, during the year he got married to a second wife. What are the correct rulings regarding his haj,  should he now go without his first wife because he can not afford to take both wives and it will take some time for his second wife to be accredited, or should he take the first wife as planned and make up the time with his second wife on return, or is he now indebted to take the second wife for haj also even though he can not afford to. If the husband and wife go for 6 weeks on the haj journey, should he on return spend six weeks with his second wife.

Taking a second wife without informing the first

Q: Is it permissible for a husband to get into a second marriage without informing his first wife? Even after the second marriage he lied to his first wife and didn't let her know two or three years after the second marriage. Now the wife came to know and is in shock since the first marriage was 17 years old and the first wife was also quite young and a mother of four kids. She now wants her husband to divorce the second wife but husband is not willing. The second nikkah was also not announced in both sides.