Oaths & Vows

Taking an oath that one will become a kaafir upon doing a certain action

Q: I have heard that if a person takes an oath that “If I do this or do not do this, I will become a Kafir forever”. The person becomes a kafir if he or she swore the oath with the belief that he or she would adopt kufr upon its non-fulfillment. Is this true? I would be very grateful if you could please provide a detailed answer for my satisfaction.

Breaking one's oaths

Q: I have done something that I swore by the Quran, that I would never do again, but I still do it. Then after I did it I swore again that I wouldn't do it, but then I still did it. I know that this time I will never do it again, but I feel like Allah doesn't love me, or trust me, or has forgiven me. And it has been horrible pain. Please someone help me. What is the kaffara for breaking an oath?

Taking an oath to become a disbeliever if one does a certain action

Q: I would like to ask I made an oath that if I do such an such then I am a disbeliever after I marry my fiance who I really want to marry. When I made that oath I felt like I meant it when I said I will be a disbeliever. If I marry my fiance does this mean that I will be a disbeliever? I regret what I said and I am now worried. What should I do, please help me.

Breaking a qasam

Q: I have a question. I'm recently divorced as my wife cheated on me with my own brother. Question I have is one day I was caught by my mum saying I love you to a girl and that we will sleep together. This was after my divorce. My mom was very upset and crying a lot so I didn't understand what to do, now she was tense I was tense and crying trying to calm her down. She then ask me to take kasam on her saying I will not look at any other girls fall in love or have sexual intercourse. We are humans and especially I know I will end up breaking the kasam. Is that kasam valid and if I do break it intentionally then what can be done to take the kasam off completely? Also once a kasam is broken is it no longer valid?