Oaths & Vows

Kaffarah for breaking the oath

Q: If someone has as anxiety disorder which is a chemical imbalance in the brain and is on anti depressants however with these tablets he has to take a sedative, is it jaiz to take the sedative from the psychiatrist even though he promised Allah he would not take that tablet because in his young days he abused that same tablet. Now it is a coincidence that the doctor prescribed that same tablet.

Taking an oath in the mind


1. If one takes an oath in the mind, is it valid? Suppose if we realize that our oath is invalid (oath on not to do something etc) is it necessary to keep up our oath?

2. If we take an oath by saying 'Allah qasam' does it mean oath or promise and even if we take by that word is it valid if we say it in mind?

3. I do not want to take an oath on particular things but if I make it against my will without making up my mind (to say like I feel like I took an oath in mind within 3 or 4 seconds against my willing) but I think I didn't take it intentionally but I feel to be not sure also. In this case should I keep up my oath or no need?

4. Does an unwilling or unintentional oath or promise count?

Breaking one's oath

Q: If someone touched the Qur'an and said something like I swear on Qur'an I will never come to this house again in anger while having an argument. Can he ever go back to that house if he did tawba, kept 3 rozay and fed 20 miskeen people? If not then what else can he do?

Holding one's mother's head and taking a qasam

Q: I did a job in Saudi Arabia. On my vacation my mom came to know that I am connected with a girl (na mahram) with love. My mother told me to put your hands on my head and take a "qasam" that you will not talk to your lover in future and you will forget her. I did as she said with intention that I will follow her qasam. But I came to know that this type of qasam is haraam in Islam, so what is the worth of that "qasam". Could I break that? or my mom has to take beg for forgives from Allah because my mother never mentioned the name of Allah in her qasam? Please answer me soon as possible.

Making a vow to give sadaqah

Q: If a vow was made that for every R100 a person receives he will give R 20 as sadqah to poor people as long as there is no debt owing to anyone.

1.Can he buy gifts with this money and give it to his family, even though the family are well to do?

2. Can he use the money to sponsor items to the musjid or put the money in the musjid box?

3. If the vow is broken once does the person still have to keep to the vow subsequently?

4. If a person can't remember if he made the vow verbally or in his mind, will the vow be valid?