Oaths & Vows

Making the condition that one can break one's oath if one is unwell

Q: I made an oath to fast for a month but stipulated in the oath that if I felt unwell, I could break it. So, about a week in I had some discomfort in my chest, and felt that I should stop, so I did. (I did not break a fast). Does this mean there's no expiation? Because I gave myself some leeway in the oath I made.

Also, is it permitted to pay a charity to fulfill the kafaarat yameen on your behalf? If you make the expiation you are forgiven for breaking the oath by Allah azza wa jal?

Kaffarah for breaking an oath

Q: I'm trying to remember if an oath I made in the past contained multiple parts or just one part. What I remember is that I said to Allah, "I promise or wallahi, I will not do this sin again" (I did commit the sin recently, and I made the kafara already).

However, I think I may have said in the same oath: Protect me Allah, and wallahi I will not do this sin again (1) not not do a different sin (2) and not do the other sin (3))

If all 3 sins may have been mentioned in the same oath, would I have to make 3 different kaffaras ? Or just making the one kaffarah for all 3 is enough?

I made the intetion at the time for the kaffarah to cover the one thing in my mind and whatever else I may have forgot... I dont remember if I made the oath including the 3 sins or not, but I do remmber making an oath about the one sin specifically. I made these oaths when I was making tawbah to Allah when I was in a very emotional state.

First wife making husband and second wife take an oath not to have sexual relations

Q: I was married and sometime ago I have done a 2nd nikkah to another lady while my 1st wife was still in my nikkah. Before the 2nd nikkah my 1st wife took an oath on Quran from both of us, me and my 2nd wife that we will not have any sexual relation until she allows us. Now it is almost 1 year that has passed but she is still not willing to allow us. Is there anyway we can get rid of this oath? Please help us as we both husband and wife are too scared to break our oath which was done on Quraan.

Valid reason for breaking one's oath

Q: I am a 15 year old boy.

1. Once I was playing an indoor game with my family and lost. In anger I sweared upon Allah that I will never play this game. Now can I play the game? Is there any expiation?

2. Similarly I once went to a relatives house where I had an argument. I then sweared upon Allah and Holy Quran that I will not go to that relatives house.

Please guide me regarding both the cases.