Various masaail of talaaq

Reason for a woman marrying another man after the third talaaq

Q: I have been contemplating and reflecting a lot the past few months. We all know there is great Hikmah behind everything, Allah is The Most Wise... We would never be able to even comprehend His wisdom SubhanAllah.

I was pondering on something... When a man gives a woman the 3rd talaq, the woman becomes completely impermissible for him... She needs to marry another man, consummate that before and then she is able to go back to the former husband (this can't be planned out though).

As I said we would never be able to contemplate the wisdom of Allah. But I do ponder why that is... What is the reason for this SubhanAllah?

Is it so the woman can experience another marriage to someone else to see if he appreciates her etc? Is it a kind of punishment for the man for going so extreme to give a 3rd talaq. SubhanAllah I'm just pondering. I wish I knew the tafsir for this verse or if anyone has more knowledge on this please.

Eelaa (taking an oath to abstain from having any relations with one's wife)

Q: A man insisted his wife to go out of the country to work with him, and his wife did not want to go because of the environment in the western country, she was afraid that he would go there. In order not to deteriorate in this environment, her husband then told her that if she did not comply, he swore that he would not go near her for four months, and four months had passed, Does it lead to divorce?

Divorcing a woman who consumes alcohol

Q: I married a lady who converted to Islam two years ago. Despite many discussions and arguments, she continues to consume alcohol which we both agreed was something she would not do. Everytime it’s saying sorry but it all recurs again. I am now of the view that I have to divorce her even though I understand the importance of introducing and keeping someone in Islam.

Requesting husband for divorce

Q: I am married for 4 years. Since I got married there has been many problems between my husband and I. We come from different backgrounds so there is no compatibility between us. He does not feel happy in the marriage and he says that he cannot see himself having a family with me and being happy with me. For this reason he will not let me have children. We spoke to a counselor but it didn't make a difference. Please advise me as to what I should do because I am very unhappy in this marriage. Will I be sinful if I ask him for a divorce?

Husband living with ex wife in the same house after divorce

Q: I am currently going through a divorce with my ex husband. We Islamically divorced last year in March.

He still lives at home in a separate room. I don’t see him throughout the day as me and him are at work, however we sleep under the same roof in separate rooms. He won’t move out till our divorce is finalised and I give him money towards the divorce as I applied for Khula. I know he doesn’t have to give me my haq maher.

I want to know If I am committing a sin by being in the same house as him since he won’t leave. I’ve asked him lots of times but nothing is working to get him to understand and to make him realise that he shouldn’t be in the same house as me. I don’t know what to do as he ignores my solicitors letters and requests as I am wasting my money on solicitors. Can you please guide me. 

Divorced woman living with her parents


1. Does a divorced woman have to go back and live with her parents i.e. is it compulsory?

2. If a woman is divorced, does she have to live under the rules of her parents?

3. If she lives separately is it haraam?

4. Would the same ruling apply if she is able to take care of herself financially? If no, then what is the ruling for a woman who can take care of herself financially?

5. Is it compulsory to get married a second time?