Various masaail of talaaq

Living in the same house with one's ex-husband

Q: I have a few questions to ask regarding divorce. I was married to my cousin for 7 years, he came to Canada last year in 2016 and tried to break my virginity; however, he was unable to break my virginity. After that he never came near me. I got divorced this year in the beginning of August. He is still living in the same house where I live in but in different bedrooms. I would like answers for 3 questions:

1. He is my na-mahram now so should he be living in the same house as me?

2. I received a divorce from the Canadian government, but does my ex husband have to say divorce 3 times to me for me to be legally divorced in Islam?

3. How long is my iddah period and what are the restrictions associated with it ? I work full time so how will my iddah period work?

What should a woman do after being given one Talaaq

Q: My husband and I have been married for 15 years, we have two children. About 7 years into our marriage i discovered that he was not being faithful and was seeing a woman. At the time I decided to carry on with our marriage dispite of this. For the sake of my children. However his affairs continued one after the other. He would apologise and I would carry on, again for the sake of our children. About two years ago I could no longer accept what he was doing and he made me feel impure. So I no longer allowed him in my bed. From that day till last night he has not mentioned or discussed why I won't let him sleep with me. Last night he told me he wanted to be with someone else and he couldn't live like this anymore. Fair enough. He said he will be looking for another partner to marry, he said he will have to talk to other women and court them to find the one he wants to marry. I said to him that this is harram as he is married to me. He can divorce me and then be with whoever he wants to be with. He then divorced me once. My question is what is divorcing once mean? Am I no longer married to him? What should I do to ensure I follow the correct rulings in regards to divourse in Islam?

Husband divorcing his wife due to visa issues

Q: I have question about divorce in Islam.

Is it haram in Islam if a husband divorces his wife because they live in different country and he can't bring the wife due to visa reason? My husband studies in Australia, and we have problem about bringing me to Australia. We have been living separately for 1,5 year. He said to me that he will divorce me if my Australian visa get rejected. He prefers divorce to visiting me if I can't get the visa this year. I want to know if this reason can be used to divorce a wife according to Islam?

Man saying "the next three women I marry are thrice divorced"

Q: A man said 'the next three women I marry are thrice divorced'.

1. If the man marries a woman, the divorce will automatically takes place, but if he marries the same woman again, does divorce take place?  

2. Is there any way around this if divorce takes place, like getting somebody else to marry on your behalf?

3. If a man says to a woman who is not his wife 'I give you one divorce'. If they get married does talaq take place?

Wife claiming 50% of husband's wealth after divorce

Q: My wife and I are experiencing marital problems. She is demanding a divorce from me. According to the legal system of the country where I reside, in the case of divorce, she has the right to claim 50% of my assets. I have not yet paid her mahr to her. She is now demanding 50% of my wealth as well as her unpaid mahr.

If she takes advantage of the legal system and takes me to court claiming 50% of my wealth, will this wealth be halaal for her according to Shariah and will I still have to give her the outstanding mahr?