Various masaail of talaaq

Requesting a divorce from one's husband

Q: My husband is interested in other women. He stares at other women and he has told me that he cannot stop his eyes by staring at other women. He talks to every renter i.e. women. He makes other women sit on his bike by telling silly reasons and he even took pictures of our servant on his mobile. He texts awkward messeges to facebook girlfreinds. I made many duas in order to take him on the right path but his behaviour is not changing. Now I'm fed up with him and I cannot bear him anymore. My in law's also never take care about me. I wanted to take divorce, is it permissible?

Fear of zihaar

Q: I am very tensed about a situation. I was having an argument with my wife and in anger I wanted to call her "Mother F______", but my tongue got stuck and instead I uttered the word "Mother" from my mouth. Have I committed "Zihar" though my intentions were not to call my wife "Mother". Should I now need to atone by freeing a slave, or observe fast, or serve food to needy people? My intentions were not to call my wife this.

Mother insisting on daughter to get a divorce from her husband

Q: I am a 25 year old Sunni Muslim girl. My father chose a boy for me and I got married two months back but my mother doesn't like the groom from day one because he is financially unstable and she is kind of possessive towards me. Now she wants that I should take a divorce and if I don't take a divorce, she will break all her relations with me. I don't have much of a problem with him and I m happy with him. I am in a dilemma, what should I do? I love both of them and I don't want to lose either my husband nor my mother.

Separating from one's husband who is involved in zina

Q: If a husband is continuously involved in zina and is not even guilty of it, does the wife have the right to get separated? If yes, can she file a divorce instead of khula? Is such a right given to her in her nikaah agreement? What are the regulations in relation to khula and divorce? Can she give divorce? Does she have the right in her nikaah documentation according to sunnah? He will try to humiliate her to protect his image and even kill her if he comes to know that she knows he is a zaani. He will make it as painful for her as possible because thats the kind of person he is.

Husband refusing to issue talaaq

Q: I am a mother of 4 and have communicated with a Moulana that I would like my Talaq due to a toxic and unhealthy relationship. He refuses to give me talaq and I am now considering leaving. If I leave, how long does it take for an automatic talaq to be finalised and if not how may I, as a woman, go about giving him the talaq.

Wife demanding exorbitant amount for divorce

Q: I took a second wife while I was still married to my first wife because my first wife had an issue called vaginism as she cant have sexual intercourse. After 2 months my 2nd wife started to behave wiered as she seems to be going through some psycological issue in her life. She tried to commit suicide more than 5 times while she was with me. Now she is asking for 5 million for me to give her divorce. I dont have that much of money to give her. I was paying almost 3 year close to 1000 usd every month just for her and the son she got from her ex husbond. She was kicked out from her parents home. Now she is troubling me asking me for this large sum of money for divorce. Am I allowed to take money as a loan from the bank to pay her and release her from my life to live a peaceful life

Confusion regarding divorce

Q: I just wanted some advice on divorce. My husband gave me my first talaq before but we got back together n then second time he left. I cant remember if he said it or not but came back with my uncle because we wanted to be together n 2 weeks ago we had a fight and he messaged me few days later saying I divorce u in a text message so wanted 2 know can we get back together if the other talaqs count because we got bk together during our ibadah because we love each other and want to be together can you please let me know thanks salam