
Earning online through Link Shortener sites

Q: My question is about online earning. Is earning with Link Shortener sites halaal?

Link Shortener sites shorten our links and put ads on it. Whenever someone click on that link, he first see's ads then he goes to the real site. These sites put ads on our links and pay us. When people see the ads, it makes revenue and sites share revenue with us. So is this earning halal or haram?

Buying and selling plot files

Q: I want to ask if it is allowed to sell and purchase plot files? The housing society is still underdevelopment and possession of plots is not given to file holders.

(The file is a document issued by a housing scheme developer, against which one can claim a piece of land/plot once development is done, and possession started by the developer)

Paying profits of an investment in the same currency that one is doing business


1. If someone trading in jewellary, takes gold from someone as an investment into his business, does he have to return it in the form of gold or he has the option to return it as either gold or cash?

2. What if the initial deal was to return in the form of gold?

3. The price of gold has tremendously increased and he will return a huge amount (the gold he took as an investment does not exist anymore), so he either will pay the investors cash or gold, is this extra amount interest?

4. The investors gave him gold with a condition of getting a monthly profit, but in fact they were getting a monthly fixed amount regardless of the profit or loss. Is this fixed monthly payment interest?

5. Is it fine to take the orders to make jewellery and take some cash initially and at the time of delivery receive the rest or the whole deal should take place in one session?

6. What if the customer does not pay at the time he receives the jewellery and pays later, is it permissible?

Buying gold on credit

Q: Someone wants to buy gold but does not have enough funds and decides to give some amount to the seller and book the gold at the price of the day of booking to prevent paying more by the time he gets more funds. In this case, the gold price may go up or down on the day he will actually give the remainig amount and takes the gold. 

Is this a permissible situation or one needs to do the whole deal of paying money and taking gold in the same sitting?

Online options trading

Q: My question is about online options trading. In this we trade between currencies. It is like tearing currency for 1, 5 or 15 minutes. So if the value of the currency goes up in that time frame (which we can predict by doing some calculations and indicators) and if the currency goes down we lose money. It is between two currencies like we trade Euro for USD. We buy USD by paying in Euros and when it is expected to go up in value or USD/EURO. The money transaction is instant and simultaneous. So, if we make a prediction the money is deducted from our account instantly and if we predict rightly we get profit. Mostly we get profit. Can you please guide me is it Halal or Haram?

Software piracy

Q: My question is about the Software Piracy. I have seen some software/plugins that people have to buy with cash. Though they are paid software, some of the software don't require any serial key/purchase code to use. They can be used only if the user has the software main copy. What if the user don't buy them from a store but get a real copy from the internet. Will using the software be halaal?