
Selling artificial rings

Q: I read in Behashti Zewar that it is not permissible for women to wear artificial rings.

1. Since I was unaware of this ruling, I already have many such rings that I used to wear. What should be done with those rings?

2. I have given rings as gifts to many women in the past and my jewellery business gave me profit from selling artificial rings. Will I be sinful for this? What should I do now?

Buy and leaseback contracts

Q: I want to ask about buy and leaseback in Islam. Is it allowed?

There is this company selling shops in a mall with this buy and leaseback contracts where we own the shop but rights of giving it on rent resides with company and we get a fixed rent of 0.7% with 10% raise per year.

Also the company guarantees 20% price appreciation per year if we sell the shop back to them. All these are written in a single contract. Isnt this just the same as keeping money in banks with a fixed profit?

Writing a fiction book


1. If a person wrote a book which is a mix of fiction and non fiction and they sell the book, is the money earned from that halaal?

2. If that same book has slight romance in it, will the money earned from it be halaal?

3. If that same book has swearing (which the readers will be warned of) then is the money earned from it halaal?

Selling a toy which contains music

Q: We have recently received stock of an Islamic toy which we were unaware had music... The toy has many beneficial learning pages such as duas, surahs, Arabic alphabets, etc. but there is a button which plays nasheeds with musical instruments in the background.

Will it be permissible to sell such a toy? If the toy is sold with a note on how to remove the music and if the customer purchases it and chooses not to remove the music wire, will the seller be sinful?

Selling fake designer glasses frames

Q: Please advise on the following:

A Muslim optometrist is having a problem with unqualified people smuggling fake designer frames into the country. These people send their customers to professional optometrists for eye tests and they ask for a script. Then they have their glasses made at a reduced cost by the "pirate" dealer.

Is it Islamically correct to have these types of crooks reported to the authorities? Some are Muslims and some are Non-Muslims.


Q: I'm pretty sure you are aware of how dropshipping works, where someone buys from another person who actually buys from another wholesaler, etc.

So my question is that, would dropshipping be permissible if in the advertisement the following things are stated:

- Time and duration of delivery

- That the actual seller does not have possession of the item

- A thorough description of the item