
Selling samples

Q: I am a Muslim and a doctor. In our country, Medical Representatives (all pharmaceutical companies) visit us with some physician samples daily and we receive it. Few of them we provide to some poor people, and most of them we sell it. By selling it we get some money. And we use this money for our personal use. As a Muslim is it halal or haram for us? 

Airtime Advance

Q: Vodacom has a service called airtime advance whereby a person can purchase R5 or R10 airtime on credit. After you purchase the airtime, then at a later time within a stipulated period, they will recoup the R5 or R10 plus an additional R1 which they term a service fee. Will this constitute riba?

Purchasing an apartment before it is developed


1. Is buying a land which is not identifiable like people buy for example 500 yards in a housing scheme but the plot purchased is not yet demarcated, permissible?

2. If one has such a land, is selling it and using that money to buy another land which is well identifieable permissible? (I mean using the money obtained by selling the land which was not identifiable permissible or not?

3. Buying a flat in installments in a building which is under construction, and hence the apartment one bought is not physically there when the agreement to purchase was signed. He then started to pay the installments, and his flat was, in the meanwhile constructed and he continued to pay. Is buying such a property which was not physically present permissible? Can one sell it once it is completed and he clears all the installments? Would the money obtained by selling it be halal?

Taking orders for someone to sew clothes

Q: My friend has a business of selling stitched female clothes. I'm in another city and she made a deal with me and my sister that for every dress that I will struggle to get sold in my city, I'll be getting some profit ranging from 50 to 500 rupees, depending on what type of dress it is. So I call my female friends and relatives, and sometimes when I meet them, I tell them about the dresses, take their sizes and send them to my friend in the other city. She stitches the dresses and gives them to my sister who is also working with us. My sister then delivers the dress to my city. Is this income halal?

Selling ladies clothing

Q: Is it permissible to buy and sell ladies clothes? Nowadays, the clothes are according to the latest trend and fashion in the market which is not in our control. The clothes include shirts and trousers which ladies wear nowadays. Is it halaal or haraam?

Advertising in the newspaper and on online platforms


1. Is it permissible to advertise for my business in the newspaper?

2. Is it permissible to advertise for my business on advertising platforms like Gumtree and Junkmail? On such platforms, once a person clicks on my ad, he will not see other people’s ads. However, ads from other websites of all sorts may pop up.

3. Is it permissible to advertise for my business on Instagram? If someone has to come to my Instagram account, he will only be able to see my posts.

On all these three platforms of advertising, pictures of animate objects of all sort appear in other people’s ads. Also, some of the ads which appear are of an impermissible commodity.