
Earning online

Q: Is online earning like Youtube, doing surveys online, installing apps, referring service and apps for others, etc. Many services and websites are available online for earning, that all work in Islamic perspective. Are they halaal or haraam?

Selling health books that contain pictures of animate objects

Q: I want to sell physical health eBooks that may contain images of humans for the purposes of demonstration. E.g. a fitness eBook demontrating how to perform an exercise or movement. The intention is that buyers will be purchasing the eBook for the information and content and not for the images. What is the ruling on this (both male and female images, would awrah need to be covered as this is solely for demonstrational/educational purposes?) and will income gained from this be halal? If this is not permissible, could you give me guidance on other methods I can use to demonstrate things such as exercises/stretches with visuals etc.

Credit price higher than cash price

Q: Wholesalers often sell to retailers large stocks on a credit period and for this credit period they often charge a little higher price for the stock then those making cash sales. It is clear that retailers purchase big stocks and cannot pay for that upfront and often prefer to purchase on credit. Does that little higher price charged for the credit period amount to interest? A house hold appliances wholesale business is in question.

Purchasing a cat

Q: My family wants a kitten/cat. I live in the USA, and where I live it's very hard to find someone who's giving away a cat. I heard that it's not permissible to buy a cat. Can you please tell me the ruling on this? Can I buy a cat?

Using a robotic woman's voice in apps for disabled people

Q: I want to make an app for disabled people. I want to make an app that uses text-to-speech and speech-to-text function. Text-to-speech has a robotic womens voice, so is it permissible for males to hear such a voice? Is it permissible for me to launch such app and sell.

Secondly, I want to make speech-to-text app for the deafs so that deaf can receive incoming calls, subtitles will appear, so is it permissible for me launch such an app? If any woman is calling, so her voice will be translated into text form. I think this background process will also be robotic. Is it permissible for me to launch such app?

Selling viagra tablets

Q: My brother sells Viagra tablets (these tablets are used for erectile dysfunction). Is his business halaal or haraam? We do not know whether the customers who buy these tablets will use them in a haraam or halaal manner.