
Refraining from bad company

Q: I have a question regarding the abandoning of bad companions or friends and relating this to the hadith: “The actions are presented on every Monday and Thursday. Allah forgives every Muslim or every believer, except for those who are boycotting each other. He says (about them): ‘Leave them.’”

If these companions are also Muslim but all they talk about is indecent and innapproiate stuff and listening to songs and wanting you to do that as well then is ignoring and boycotting then like the same as in the hadith.

Authenticity of a Hadith regarding the time before Qiyaamah

Q: Can you tell me if this hadith is sahih or hasan ?

And al-Hakim narrated in the hadith of Ibn Mas’ud from the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) that he said: “…Then death will rapidly increase among the believers, until no believer is left. So the unbeliever will say: “We were frightened of the believers before, but now there is not a single one of them left! And no repentance will be accepted from us!” So they will mate openly in the streets like animals…So things will remain like that until there are no more children born out of marriage, and all of the people on earth will be children of adultery. So they will remain like that for as long as Allah wills, then Allah will cause all of the women’s wombs to become barren for thirty years; no woman will give birth, and there will not be a single child on earth. And all of them will be children of fornication, and they will be the worst of people. It is upon them that the Hour will come.”

Explanation of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) going through difficulty when passing away

Q: Please explain the meanings of these Ahadith:

Hazrat Aisha narrates: “Having seen the agony the Prophet suffered while dying, I will not envy anyone’s easy death.” (Tirmidhi, Dead, 8).

In another narration, Hazrat Aisha said: “The Messenger of Allah died on my chest. Having seen it with the Messenger of Allah, I will not consider the severity of death bad for anyone.” (Nasai, Dead, 6).

Beating the duff in the musjid

Q: I came across this hadith: Aisha (Radiyallahu Anha) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said, “Proclaim the nikah. Have it done in the masjids. Beat the daffs (tambourine drums without jingling discs or bells) for the occasion.” (Tirmizi vol. 1 pg. 207 Qadeemi) So is it permissible to beat the daff in masjid?

Drinking rainwater

Q: According to a Hadith, rainwater is shifa for all diseases. Does this also apply to drinking rainwater which has been taken out from the ground? Because when it rains, the rainwater passes through rocks and is stored underground and taken out through machines for drinking. So is it necessary to collect and drink the rainwater before it falls to the ground or will the underground water also have the same benefits for Shifa?