
Hadith question

Q: What is the the authenticity of the following hadith? I want to know because it presents a strong proof for pardah. “Indeed the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) prohibited women to talk (to Ghair-Mahram men) without the permission of their husbands.” (Tabrani)

Hadith Query

Q: Many people are asking us for the reference of this bellow given hadith. Please give us the reference as example dhaif hadith or which hadith with number.

The istigfar given below is especially dedicated to women who are undergoing their Haiz(monthly periods). One should sit in attayat position if possible with wodhu and face Kiblah and recite the following zikr 70 times after each salaah( 5 times a day).

"Subhanaka Astaghfirullah illahi Laaillaha illa huwal hayool kaiyoom wa'athubu ilaikh"

This is a wonderful blessing from Almighty Allah that shows His mercy even during the time when a woman is unable to do her farls like salah and quran recitation, therefore we kindly request all women to make it a habit to gain the rewards mentioned below: 

•Reward of performing 1000 nafl rakaths.

•70 sins will be forgiven.

•For every letter in the istigfar you get a noor (brightness) on your face.

•Your status is raised in the sight of Allah.

•For every vein in your body you get the reward of one Hajj and Umrah.

Hadith Query

Q: What is the authenticity of the following hadith? Can we quote it without fear of attributing something that has a weak chain? “The worse among the women are those who freely leave their homes without Hijab. They are hypocrites and few of these will enter paradise.” (Sunan Al-Baihaqi)


Q: This is far distant in my thoughts but I heard there is a hadith its like about the prophet doubted not so sure or the companions I don't really remember a man they thought was the dajjal (I don't remember well). I dont know if they said that but anyways if they did isn't the dajjal like has 2 eyes but I think 1 is defective. Also i think maybe not that there are 2 scholarly opinions saying that one dajjal is a man or I don't really know. I need some clarification.

Hadith Question

Q: In Riyaadus Saliheen under chapter 180 (the virtues of reciting the Quraan), the 8th hadeeth of Baraa ibn 'Aazib RA, I do not understand the tranquillity of which Rasool (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) refers to, as my understanding is that the horse started to panic. Could you please explain it to me?

Hadith Question

Q: There is a hadeeth in Muntakhab Ahaadeeth under the section of dawah that I do not understand (hadeeth no. 9). It is as follows: 

ان الله لا يعذب العامة بعمل الخاصة حتي تعمل الخاصة   الى أخر

Hadith Question

Q: I read in one hadith that the Mahdi will come out at the death of the Khalifa and the dispute of the next khalifa. Does that mean that the khillafat has to be re established before he appears?