
Hadith regarding memorising forty Ahaadith

Q: Please let me know the authenticity of this hadith and the book of hadith in which it is mentioned.

The Messenger of Allah, (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), said: "Whosoever memorises and preserves for my community forty hadith concerning matters of this religion, Allah will resurrect him on the Day of Judgment in the company of jurists and religious scholars."

I have heard many say this hadith is weak.

Also please explain the meaning of this hadith, does it mean:

  1. One should memorize it in Arabic or his local language.
  2. Does it mean one should memorize it by completely understanding it.
  3. Does it mean one should memorize it by actually practising the hadith.

Hadith regarding the rewards of a fardh in Ramadhaan being multiplied

Q: In ramadaan a fardh is multiplied 70, an sunnah equivalent to fardh. If a person were to do a sunnah act his whole life it will not equal to a fardh. If I am not mistaken so with the following two examples I would like to illustrate my view of the sunnah reward. Please advise me weather it is correct or not.

Example 1 : Something to this affect has been mentioned - if one recites surah sajdah and surah mulk between magrib and esha he would the reward of worship on the night of laylatul qadr, aprox 83 years. So now if one does this during any day of ramadaan, it is greater than him doing it his whole life. So it will be as follows 83 * 30  = 2490, 2490 *12= 29880, 29880*60= 1792800 so by a person reading these two surahs in ramadaan between magrib and esha will he be rewarded of a minimum of 1792800 years of worship?

Example 2 : Cleaning the musjid is the dowry for the hoors of jannah. So in this if a person in his entire life was picking up dirt from the musjid, it will not equal to a fardh act but now in ramadaan if he picks one up it will be greater to a person picking up one every second. So will the reward be as follows 1 year = 31 556 926 seconds. so  31 556 926*60= 1893415560 so will the person by picking one dirt in the musjid in ramadaan get 1893415560 hoors in jannah?

Correct me were ever needed and educate me if this is the reward we have been promised and does it apply to all sunnah actions

Hadith regarding the Muslim Ummah

Q: Please enlighten me with the references of this hadith: Conjoined Hadiths from Musnad Ahmad: Jaabir (radhi-yallaahu 'anhu) narrated that Allaah's Messenger (sal-Allaahu`alayhe wa sallam) said: "Al Muslimoon Ummatun Wahida, Wa Biladahum Wahida, Wa Harbahum Wahida, Wa Salmahum Wahida". Is this a Hadith at all?

Hadith regarding perfect Imaan


  1. I read that no one will enter jannah unless they have perfect imaan. So if a person has Imaan but it is not perfect will he attain jannah? Quote hadith or quraan ayaats if possible.
  2. What is perfect imaan? If I commit a sin does it mean I do not have perfect imaan ?
  3. Can you send me the hadith which says how one can attain perfect imaan through salaam?

Hadith regarding securing a house in Jannah

Q: Is the following hadith authentic and in the proper wording ?

Umm Habibah bint Abu Sufyan reports that the Messenger of Allah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) said: "Whoever prays twelve rak'at during the day and night will have a house built for him in paradise: four rak'at before zuhr and two after it, two rak'at after maghrib, two rak'at after 'isha, and two rak'at before fajr." (Tirmidhi, who graded it as Hasan sahih).

Can you send me any more hadith that says how to get a house in jannah?