Copying the functionality found in other software
Q: Is it permissible to copy the functionality found in another company's software and develop it for business?
Q: Is it permissible to copy the functionality found in another company's software and develop it for business?
Q: I am currently working in a store which sells health and beauty products, including makeup, perfumes, creams, medicines, etc. Some of these products contain unlawful ingredients like alcohol and glycerin (which may be derived from animals or vegetables), and some may also have been tested on animals. My question is, is it permissible for me to work there selling these items?
Q: Can the mahr (in this case the wedding ring) given to the bride be sold by the bride due to financial strains?
Q: I sell decal stickers for a living. I take logos of different brands from the internet and print them as decal stickers. Is that allowed for me?
Q: I am selling easter eggs for my mother for the whole week. Now that I bought my own to sell for myself, my husband don't want me to sell it because he say it's haraam. Is this true?
Q: A friend of mine sells rice in his supermarket that comes pre-packed from the supplier in bags marked “10kg”. The problem is that the bags only contain 9,5kg of rice. Is it permissible for him to sell this rice? He said that it’s not his fault because the supplier made the mistake.
Q: There is a Muslim butchery that sells halaal and haraam meat. When we asked the owner about it, he said that he stocked the haraam meat to sell to non-Muslims. Is it permissible for a Muslim to sell haraam meat to non-Muslims and will it be fine for Muslims to buy the halaal meat he keeps?
Q: I would like to know the masala regarding the selling of a television. One no longer has the use of a TV and wishes to sell it. Please advise as to which avenues that wealth could be spent in e.g. sadaqah etc?
Q: I want to ask a question. I am living in Spain and there are many shops many of which belong to Muslims which sell wine, alcohol and pig. How do you view this? I ask them why you sell these things. They say if we don't sell this, then nobody will enter our shop. I want to know what type of income is this halaal or haraam.
Q: Is it permissible to sell a uct which claims unrealistic benefits e.g. If you rub this oil on your hands, you will get rich?