Various masaail of Business and Dealings

Offer and acceptance of a business transaction through actions

Q: I recently read that a sale takes place with a verbal offer and acceptance from both parties. However, in today’s times, we notice that at the time of purchase, customers merely place the money on the counter while the cashiers hand over the goods without any words being exchanged.  Will the sale be valid in these cases as no verbal offer and acceptance is apparently found?

Driving with a pass plus driving license without passing the test

Q: I’m in a bit of a tricky situation. My dad has paid for my insurance (in UK where insurance is compulsory) which has been reduced because I have completed a driving scheme (pass plus) according to him. However, I haven’t completed it according to the rules. Thus can I still drive the car as my real insurance would be higher, meaning technically according to a driving instructor who works for the driving agency I haven’t completed it.

Taking a remuneration for collecting money for a school

Q: With a lot of effort, I collected around $1500 for some civil work for an Islamic school. I left all my work for around a month and got all the work done under my presence. Some time I stood there for the whole night. Finally the whole work done was wondeful.

During this one month I earned nothing, kept away from my struggling business. In this case will it be allowed if I keep just $80 out of contribution for myself?

Getting one's license disc or COR via a contact

Q: Can I get my licensed disc/COR done via a contact and give him a fee for doing it?

I'm noticing everyone is doing this these days. From my understanding, this is illegal because if the car is not roadworthy you should not get a COR/disc because you need to fix your car according to the rules of the road, which you agreed to when acquiring your vehicle license.

The contact that does this "back door" will get you the documents regardless of the condition of the vehicle, fit or unfit for the road.

Provident fund from the government

Q: I live in Pakistan and my father is a govt servent. He is about to retire and at retirement the govt gives alot of money as provident fund. This money is actually a combination of 3 things.

1. It cuts from monthly salary for over 25 years.
2. Each month govt adds some amount to this monthly.
3. Bank adds up interest and that I also added to the amount

At retirenment all these amounts add up and given to the employee. So is it halal to do hajj with this money?

Not seeing any barakah in one's wealth

Q: I’m a bachelor and I live with my friends in Canada. There are non-Muslims also living at our place. Ever since I’ve moved to this place I’m unable to save any of my earnings. Alhamdulillah, I earn well and donate sadaqa on a regular basis, and try to perform my prayers on time. However, I’m unable to save money since I moved here and it’s been more than 8 months. I’ve had no major expenses apart from my needs and living expenses. My non-Muslim friends always consume alcohol in the hall area. Does this reason impact on barakah or is there any other reason that I need to look into?