Permissible and Impermissible employment

Taking a commission for outsourcing work when working for a company

Q: I am currently working in a company as a senior executive. I was given a task by my management to find a guy who would fix a tube well (water well). I found a guy and called him to our office to confirm the project with my management. I requested this guy for a commission after the completion of the project. Is it permissible in Islam to take commission for this kind of outsourced work? 

Muslim civil engineer constructing buildings for armies fighting against Muslims

Q: I am working as a civil engineer. We deal with construction of buildings and other structures. Sometimes we have to work for the army of disbelievers (kuffar) who are presently fighting against Muslims. We have to construct buildings and other structures for them... Is it allowed for us to work for them although we have no intention to help them on their anti Islamic sentiment. Remember our land is under oppression.

Working on a search engine for Quraan translations

Q: What is the ruling for a software developer who receives a project in which he/she has to apply algorithms on a data set i.e. Qura'nic verses' translation. Lemmtatization,tokenization, stemming and bag of words techniques will be applied on translation in order to get the following result example:

First if one wants to search any masla from the Qur'an regarding a rukoo in namaz, the software will show the verses translation related to the rukoo in namaz only. Is it permissible for one to work on such project?

Presenting fake certificates when applying for a job

Q: I am working in a gulf country and I given some wrong certificates. I always doubt whether my job is haram or halal. I graduated applied to many companies but they did not choose me as I did not have experience. I gave a record of fake experience and some certificates and I did not show my actual graduation degree. I got a small level job. After getting the job, I informed the interviewer that I had given wrong certificates. Is my income haram or halal? 

Delivering haraam food for Uber eats

Q: I want to start working for Uber Eats as a delivery driver, but I am afraid that some of the orders may be for haraam food. One of my friends told me that I will be able to view the orders on my phone. In this way, I will be able to view all the items in the order and can then ensure that I only accept to deliver orders that are for halaal food. If this is true, can I take the job?

Appling for a job that requires medical screening

Q: I would like to ask that in armed forces screening or any other such sort of job where they need to screen you thoroughly, there is a medical stage screening where they fully uncover the applicant and the senior doctor checks him for any ailments or shortcomings that might deem him unfit. The question arise that doing such sort of uncovering of full body to a medical doctor will be permissible in shariat or not. If it is not permissible then who is sinful. Both?

Doing deliveries for Amazon flex

Q: I have been doing a self-employed delivery job with amazon known as Flex; Amazon flex has 3 types of delivery:

1. Logistics – normal cardboard boxes but I will never know the contents (but no food and drink items from my knowledge)

2. Prime now - which allows for many items which included electronics etc, foods, all types of drinks including alcohol in paper bags. So I am able to tell sometimes what is in the bag.

3. Morrisons shopping - anything Morrisons sells (morrisons is a massive supermarket like Asda or Target).

The way it works for Amazon flex, you will never know what route and items you are delivering until around 10 minutes into the booked shift. There is no management for point of contact to say that you do not wish to deliver alcohol, ‘you get what you’re given’. For the second and third types of delivery, there is always a chance of delivering alcohol but you will never know until its given to you.

So my question is my earnings halal? or just to leave completely due to always having doubt?

Also this is not my main income anymore, I have a 9 to 5 and I do this after my main job as I am trying to get married and I have just left university.

Earning as an occupational therapist

Q: I am interested in being an Occupational Therapist, and I am a Muslim male. Occupational Therapy is a female-dominated profession, with about 90 percent being females. The nature of the profession involves helping people of all ages who have disabilities regain independence so they can do things they used to do, such as work and play. In Occupational Therapy school, I will be required to touch both males and females on the arms, legs, back, and shoulders for practice. Then when I begin working I will be required to treat both male and female patients. Treating them would require contact with the opposite gender, usually on the hand, back, shoulder, and arm on a regular basis. Would this job be considered halal since I am not doing any touching involving lust, but rather for work and to make the patient better? Or would it be haram in all cases and should I find another profession? By the way, my parents really want me to do it - they are also Muslims but not very religious. 

Income of an accountant who does tax evasion

Q: I am an accountant and maintain double vouchers/books of accounts from the actual books for the purpose of reducing the taxes on sale income and also to increase the expenditure from the actual expenses to show that the company has less profit. I make double vouchers and books for tax purposes ordered by the company's owner. My question is, is my profession jaiz or not? Is the salary which I receive are halal or haram?