Permissible and Impermissible employment

Hiring someone to go fishing

Q: I have a few friends who go fishing and hire boys to assist them while fishing. The boys prepare the rods for them, ensure that there is enough fishing line on the rod, and place the bait on the rod, etc. At times, these boys also hold the rod and fish when my friends want a break. If they catch any fish, they give it to my friends. Is this permissible?

Manipulating one's CV to get a job

Q: I am an engineer. I did manipulate my resume to get a job and I have experience in that job but I added no. of years experience in my resume because companies usually looks for no. of years experience. But I resigned from that company because I felt guilty and confused about haram or halal. On my previous company I did my work very well and I am a hard worker too. Is manipulating the resume is haram? If it is, then what about making money through that job and spending it for my family and my entire life? From last one year I don't have any job and i got no. of job offers with the previous resume and I rejected it. But this time I am so confused because in one place I saw it is fine if your giving 100 percentage to the company but there is no authentic sources. Now I got a offer letter and confused about it.

Working at massage centres

Q: I'm a Sri lankan living in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Due to some reasons I discontinued my job for last few weeks and now am jobless, but now I have got an opportunity to work at a massage center in the city with good payments and I don't know what kind of services do they provide and also I feel like it could be a prostitute center so is it ok to go and work with them? Sorry for my bad English hope you'll understand what am trying to say.

Working in a bank

Q: Im working in a corporate bank. But I dont deal with interest. My work is related to preparing letters and written off and some back end work. I do not come under getting or giving or calculating or witnessing interest. But the bank pays me. Is this halal or haram?

Building an "events planning" website

Q: We are planning to build a website through which people can plan events like weddings, parties, programs, etc. Since this website is for both Muslims and non-Muslims, we also need to include services such as dance groups, DJ’s, photography for weddings, etc. booking services on this website. We don’t have any direct involvement in those activities as we only act as a mediator. The customer who visits this website can book any of the advertised services as they wish. We charge the clients advertising on this website a commission per booking. Some other services that will be advertised are catering, hall booking, mehndi designers, boutique designers, wedding cards developers, travelling services, light and sound services, stage decorators, etc. Is it permissible for us to include the haraam services (e.g. photography, dance groups, etc.) on our site?