Permissible and Impermissible employment

Compiling a directory


1. A person is compiling a directory. Is it permissible for him to include the following places with their addresses and telephone numbers in the directory; escort agencies, liquor stores, churches, temples, casinos etc?

2. If someone asks you to assist him to find the addresses and telephone numbers of the following places; escort agencies, liquor stores, churches, temples, casinos etc, is it permissible for you to assist him in this regard?

Studying to become a physical therapist

Q: I am a Muslim (guy) college student. If I study to become a Physical therapist for the sake/pleasure of Allah:

a.) Will Allah accept it?

b.) Does my going everyday to school become a worship (Ammal)?

c.) Does my studying of major subjects,exams,quizzes day and night become a worship?

d.) Can this become a source to gain the pleasure of Allah? And also can this act be included as one of the good deeds that can make me enter Jannah?

Graphic designing

Q: I am a graphic designer by profession. In my line of work, I have to prepare advertisements for my clients. The adverts have the pictures of the products which are on promotion. Invariably, some products that are advertised have pictures e.g. Milo – the picture of the tin has a picture of a youngster kicking a football. My clients will want the picture of the Milo tin on the advertising pamphlet. In the circumstances, will it be permissible for me to put the photographs of the products on the pamphlets which are solely used for advertising purposes?