Permissible and Impermissible employment

Graphic designing

Q: Can I make a career in graphic designing or animation. Because we create cartoons or living object by software and not our hands and it's a matter of career so then how can we make a career in it. Our aim is to our job or career not for hobby or fun.

Working for a company that has an animate object as a logo

Q: I have a few questions relating to the same matter.

1. Is it permissible to work for a company where the work is halaal, but the logo of the company is in the form of a human being or animal?

2. Will his wages be halaal if he works for this company?

3. If his payslips have this logo on them, does this affect his wages?

4. If he has to where uniform which has this logo of an animate being on it, does this affect his wages?

5. Finally, what if he has to carry boxes that have this logo on it or go into the back of trucks to load or unload while the truck has this logo on it etc?

Scanning haraam items in a supermarket

Q: Is it permissible to work as a checkout/till operator in a big supermarket? Is my income Halaal? I have to handle Alchohol/Pork/Haraam Chicken and Beef to scan these items. I hold the very tips of the meat products so that I touch the least amount as possible. I have tried my best, my very very very best to look for alternative work but I just cannot find anything else. I ask Allaah to forgive me if I am doing wrong but this is the only success thatI have had job wise.