Working for Banks

Work in a bank as software engineer

Q: My question is regarding working as a software engineer in a Bank. Many people says that it is haram even to work as a security gaurd as he is helping bank. So any job in a bank is haram. So my question here is, can we open a bank account because I think account holder is the highest responsible person for the growth of the bank, for the bank's existance, for more number of branches and new banks. If it is halal because there is no option, then how can we expect that there should not be a muslim to work in a bank because if no one works then how bank will run and what about that option less muslim. Is ATM withdrawal Halaal? If not, how come ATM machine installer job is haram who is a bank employee. Is Online banking usage like balance statement retrieval , fund transfer is Haram? If yes then how come the software guys who will develop these software applications is haram? I think as per the current market conditions and situations we need to react. So if opening account is allowed the person who will activate the Account should also get allowed. Here no where am mentioning about riba. Riba is strictly prohibited. There is no doubt about it. Opening an account leads to the growth of riba based bank. Some says that muslims should not work in a bank but non muslim brothers can work as they dont have the concept of halal or haram. Meaning if non muslim bank employee share tea with you , it is permissible but if muslim bank employee share tea with you, it is not allowed as the salary he got is haram. Is it like that? Can we work in a bank as Software engineer. We are not taking any riba and am not giving. We are preparing software tools which will be used by bank managers and others. Is it allowed Coming to software work in a bank.... Bank has opened another company for developing the software products of that bank. So working in this entity which is not a bank by itself but its own entity is halal or haram...

Working for a bank

Q: I want to ask that can I do a job in the Bank? My Salary is not increment based but it is a fixed salary which will be only incremented after a year. My job title is Customer Care Representative. (I am only dealing with account opening and guiding the people to fill the forms) Please tell me that whether with the Islamic Point of View is it Halal or Haram? My bank Name is NIB bank which will soon be merged with Muslim Commercial Bank.

Working for a bank

Q: My cousin has done diploma in civil engineering. Recently he got a job in a bank, where his duty includes monitoring the construction, maintenance and repair of bank's buildings. Is his income halaal or haraam? Can I eat something he offers when I visit his place?

Working for an Islamic Bank

Q: I was a Bank Manager in a Conventional Bank. I left the Bank after Allah Ta'ala blessed me with His guidance. Immediately after I left my Bank job, I got an offer from a person which was very good, almost too good to be true. I joined this person but as the days passed, all my savings from my previous Job were taken from me and I was left with nothing. Thereafter I remained jobless for almost 7 months after which I received an offer from a former acquaintance and I accepted. That job related to IT software very new to me but I managed to learn and work. After 4 years, the business turned bad and the company was dissolved. Now, I'm jobless again. Many people want me to join an Islamic Bank but I'm not sure if it is Islamic at all. I'm afraid that if I join the same sector, Islamic or otherwise, all the hardship I went through to get away from "Riba" would be useless. Please guide me about an Islamic Bank. Should I join?